So, today I decided to have some fun with the new builder. I designed this building:
Sorry about the bad screen, forgot to do one of it all. I made it using the Room tool, removing walls, and placing singel blocks.
All other pics are here, as I cant post more than one
To make it harded I created alot of overhangs, no real connection to get into certain floors or onto the building in the end.
I started the building and everything worked kinda fine.
First thing I realized:
They closed off the basement without removing the ladder. This would later result in the building never finishing.
They were also using a ton of scaffoldings, which isnt bad per se, it just made building extremely slow.
It looks like as if building single blocks and building walls for rooms uses a different mechanic for calculating the optimal way of construction?
Oh, and they also closed off one Heartling in the end.
Let me remove blocks from the Building after giving the building instructions/after it finished. Deleting the whole building for stuff like this is a pain.
Make them not forget that a Heartling is locked somewhere? I guess this is pretty hard from a programming point of view.
Im gona assume that maybe filling up empty pockets would have solved most issues. Also, creating single column walls using the room tool instead of single blocks tool.
One suggestion still exists:
Let me place ladders instead of stairs for floor access!
Else, keep up the good work, I’ve been enjoying the game more and more!