Easy workaround for idle hearthlings!

To the point. Pause the game, that’s it!

I noticed that when you open the therapist window to check their tasks, if you pause it they will start changing tasks after a few seconds. Most of the idle ones will start something useful!

When you get a good amount of hearthlings not on idle anymore, just unpause the game and watch they finally working!

I had started a second village very far from the spawn point, and although they build all the blocks in it, they were refusing to add furniture, decorations, windows, doors, etc… With this trick they did it! Although it took along time nonetheless.


Yay ! It works perfectly well for me. Indeed, when the game is paused, HL are updated and have a new task.
That’s a beautiful gift you give here :grin:

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this is a very helpfull tip!

It’s so frustrating to have 3 buildings in the making and 5 idle hearthlings ^^

personally i wouldn’t suggest having more then one building being built at a time, as i can cause a bit of confusion for the hearthlings if you have more…

That is true at this point, it’s probably better with only one being worked on at the time.

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