[Dup] [release 472 x64] Awesome treehouse in the latest dev

Title: Treehouse are awesome … now what ? (omg! I was passing by then a tree suddently appeared

Summary: Look Ma! I’ve climbed on a tree now I have no idea on how to get down
(even if I chop the tree the worker keeps floating up and down)

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Plant a tree
  2. Plays hide and seek
  3. Reach the top of the word
    (Honestly … no idea on how to reproduce)

Expected Results: Upgrade to Elf Lv. 2

Actual Results:Sleep and food deprivation


Attachments: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/20571586/stonehearth/treehouse.JPG

Versions and Mods: release 472 x64 no mods

System Information: win 10 x64, 16Gb RAM, i7 3770k, …

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A post was merged into an existing topic: [Dev 2630 x64] Carnivorous trees