sneeeaky snakes… but yeah! it’s official!
I was surprised I could make the status, liking them on Facebook so it comes up in my news feed is actually really useful.
guess i should sign up as well…
its been tweeted and posted… and now, im heading back outside to enjoy this gloriously sunny day… ahhhhhh
Sun? What is “Sun”?
There is this uncomfortably bright sphere of light outside though, forgot the name…
Shurn? Fern? I think it’s an urn. Yeah, urn. Stupid urn, so bright…
Whom so ever Draws this Dagger from the ground shall be forever known as The One True Trapper
Who runs the @StonehearthSrc ? Is it you, Steve?
I had completely missed out the release last friday, of course I follow @radentupdates but they didn’t announce it there…
During the weekend I had so much fun with family stuff, making FTB videos and testing out some Humble Bundle 11 games so I never sat down to web around on the forums
@Geoffers747 and I jointly administer the twitter site… but I admit he is much more plugged in there…
I did post the release announcement though, correct? at least, I think I did… runs off to the twitterverse
or was that what you were getting at? that the comment there alerted you to the new release?
edit: scans three posts up yup, it was tweeted… I need to get some caffeine, stat…
I meant that the official Radiant tweetling didn’t notify me, I had to open the homepage to get the Alpha 2 news. But now I subscribed to Src, so I should be fine from now on!
Greetings, This might not be the best thread for this but… I’ve been following Stonehearth since it appeared on
All I can say is please please PLEASE don’t let this game go! I’ve been holding back on purchasing Alpha’s since Cube Worlds apparent death (Wounded and betrayed!)
So far, this is a rough gem! Polish this up a little more and I’m sold!
~Six more months:D
welcome aboard @miscnus!
have no fear my friend, the development of SH is very much alive (as evident by the weekly blog posts on their site, and very active participation on these very forums)…
stick around, and enjoy the ride!