[Dev Blog] - Live Edition. Gearing up for Alpha 2!


To recap, here are our major accomplishments since Alpha 1

  • One new class: The Trapper
  • Introduced the overworld map and embark flow
  • Added basic wildlife to the world
  • Big correctness fixes in the simulation, especially around workers
  • Major improvements in graphic performance, especially
  • Major improvements in simulation performance
  • Initial set of mod “quality of life” improvements

Alpha 2 will go out in the next few days, as we complete our testing cycle. We’re excited to get it into all of - your hands!

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[quote=“SteveAdamo, post:1, topic:5455, full:true”]> To recap, here are our major accomplishments since Alpha 1

> - One new class: The Trapper
> - Introduced the overworld map and embark flow
> - Added basic wildlife to the world
> - Big correctness fixes in the simulation, especially around workers
> - Major improvements in graphic performance, especially
> - Major improvements in simulation performance
> - Initial set of mod “quality of life” improvements[/quote]

This might be a bit of a dumb question, but are these listed items things that have already been released (in past versions), or rather are all included updates in the new Alpha 2? I just have a hard time drawing out the contents of the new update. I might be a bit early in jumping the gun with this question, but here’s for hoping I’m at least drawing somewhat of an insightful discussion moving onwards.

I’m seriously craving more content, so I can waste my hours playing this, and justify not working on grading or publications! Wohoo for wasteful academic time expenditures!

a bit of both… the trapper will be coming in Alpha 2 (along with more wildlife, or possibly more abundant wildlife)… the overworld map, mod and functional improvements have already been trickling out…

Sweet, super cool! Wondering what the mod improvements are :stuck_out_tongue:

That’d be this stuff.

Including but not limited to. There’s been quite a lot of finished (and some unfinished) stuff that is interesting to modders, but less accessible or understandable than mixintos/overrides.

Edit: Well, after quickly browsing the changes (and of course, mods/stonehearth/docs/) I can say that this update contains a bit more than we’ve had before. So there’s definitely new stuff. And interesting stuff.

Well those files didn’t to much except confuse me more. lolol

It’s a nice touch - the beginning of the documentation. And some playing around with a documentation system… I wonder which one they’re going to so I could utilise the same one :wink:

It really is. I’m starting to pick out what I guess are functions in the explanations based on what I’ve learned in my c++ class.

The fact that I’m opening them in notepad and I have to keep scrolling off to the side to read is probably most of the problem I’m having. lol If I spend more time on it and knew a little more abotu lua I’d probably understand it better. :smile:

Edit: From my research into luadoc, markdown and yaml files I’m guessing this is going to be some sort of guide you open up in your browser?

The update is a good step forward. I just wish, when the workers with jobs (the Trapper and Carpenter) have nothing to do. They would pick up some wood or use the time to think of thing they can improve on. Like building better chairs or better traps. That would be a nice update.

I guess it’s going to be compiled in some way to create HTML files you open in your browser, yepp.

im not sure… personally, i prefer having my specialized units… i can understand the frustration now, but i think this will matter more once we are able to acquire more units, and we have enough to really focus on said specialization…

edit: archive from tonight’s live stream

Bingo. Basic tools for modders (starting with packaging and doc gen) are coming soon.


Isn’t there a thread about that?

Protip: Edit -> Word wrap to get rid of the side-scrolly thing.

Thanks. :slight_smile: I just ended up opening it in Word Pad for like the last 30 seconds of looking at them. I’ll do this next time!

Was out when everything went live so my update video is a bit late. Had to re-install again (no mods this time), not sure why I have to every time I patch.