[Dev Blog] Desktop Tuesday, Alpha11


Good afternoon (or morning or evening, depending on where you are and when you’re reading this post.)
The team has been pushing hard to stabilize a new release for Alpha
11. This week’s video is a bit of a hodgepodge of improvements, big and
small, that you can expect in Alpha 11. Onward!


It’s a trap! :laughing:
Always thinking that they uploaded the new build, when it’s just that they’re updating us on info about next Alpha… :sweat_smile:


… i have also looked on steam … :cry:

cant wait the update and the translationwork also he have saied unstable soooonnnnnn :smiley:


Good job on Alpha 11! I’m enjoying your work so far!

Nice idea on crates :blush:


Crates need a detriment for using them. They can be carried away or destroyed by enemy npc’s and you lose all that is stored.

Pro’s: Condensed moveable stock piles.
Con: Can be destroyed/carried away with all it’s holding.

Anyhow, YAY for Crates and Backpacks !!!

‘?’ Will the Footmen patrol the crates?


awesome update! sorry I’ve been somewhat quiet recently… I’m still off on vacation with the fam!

will be back home in a couple of days… onward!! :smile: :+1:


Great update this week, but i have one little suggestion:

Crates should not be a given when you automatically promote to a
carpenter but instead a level up, so it forces you to use a stock pile. Maybe lvl
1 carpenter gets small crate and then lvl 3-4 carpenter for the big crates?


[quote=“Soul, post:5, topic:14037”]
They can be carried away or destroyed by enemy npc’s and you lose all that is stored.
[/quote] naw they cant they have to be deployed like a bed or a door or a fence they cant be used unless deployed once deployed they can be moved by your hearthings using the move item function but once placed they act as a compact stockpile so you dont have tons of land waisted by blue area :heart_eyes::smile:

naw it wouldent force me to use stock piles id just use the small ones till my carpender got to lvl 3( 5 mins later at the pace i move thru the game )

i think the idea is not bad - also im asking when there are only creats at the end … do the thief steal from them? ^^


You missed my point or you left out the beginning for whatever reason.

followed by:

^^A small suggestion/idea to give a ‘con’ to the crates^^ :slight_smile:

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nice! cant wait for the unstable.

[quote=“Relyss, post:2, topic:14037”]
Always thinking that they uploaded the new build, when it’s just that they’re updating us on info about next Alpha…
[/quote]well your not alone :laughing:

well at least you had internet access… unlike some of us… :disappointed:

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Ironically, your bump got my hopes up!! :laughing: