Dev 2534 Never ending goblin spawns

My game has progressed to Day 6 of Goldmun, I’m holding the population at 17 to keep it going as long as possible while building and mining. It’s getting a bit laggy but very much playable still. The last few game days I’ve been experiencing continuous goblin spawns. Great for xp but I’,m not sure if it’s an intended scenario or a bug. As soon as one hypnotic campfire is destroyed, another spawns.

Another important note, I haven’t had a single encounter with the undead since this game was started.

System: Win7 home premium
Intel Core i7 @ 2.4 GHz
Nvidia GT 650M w/ 1GB GRAM

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You get one random encounter a day (until you have a certain net worth), and this random encounter is either goblin camps or undead. Sometimes, the encounter is an empty/null encounter. So it’s very possible that your dice have just been coming up all goblins, goblin drums, drums in the deep. :slight_smile:

(they are coming)


trembling in fear of drums

That takes care of the lack of undead, but the goblins are still continually spawning. The footmen have been at some of the locations for two game days before the spawn changes location and they have a chance to rest and eat.

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Do you have debugtools installed?

Install the mod, click on the book, and send me a picture of what’s inside.

I just installed the mod according to the instructions but now I’m having issues getting the game to launch. Going to try one more thing and then reinstall the mod…and then game and mod if it’s needed. Sorry for the delay :\

Ok, got the game started, allowed it to finish loading, opened the book but I think it froze while it was loading the display. Heres what it showed, I’ll start from scratch and ddownload a fresh .zip, I think something went kaput in this one.

4th Edit: I’m not sure if this would affect mods or not. Steam has an update queued for Stonehearth. I can’t get the mod to load properly. The game is freezing now, as well. I can’t even get to the esc menu. Closed out and had to kill the process in the task manager. I’m going to try a fresh game to see if it loads and the mod operates normally.


I started a fresh game and everything loaded perfectly. The mod seems to be working normally so there’s a problem with the previous game.
(Screenshot is from the fresh game, I’m unable to get the other save to load)


(quietly weeping as I type this)The acursed steam client updated my game when I walked away for a few minutes. My town has fallen to the demon lord of Incompatible Saves and his army of Fixed Bugs

I saved a zipped version of the same file on my desktop, let me know if you want a copy and I’ll email it direct (My IT guy threatened to drive to my house and slap me around for a few minutes if I use anything but our FTP server on my work-related computers). File size is 11.3MB


I’m sorry to hear the timing was so bad! :frowning: Still, thanks for installing the mod, it will be immensely helpful if the problem happens again. Tell you what, in case this has to do with a timer bug that Albert fixed in the last release, just keep an eye on the spawns and if you start to see it happen again, open the book and see if you have more ambient threat encounters than you have had days. If so, then send a save and a screenshot.


The timing was bad but the update is awesome! lol.

Thanks for letting me know about the debug tool. It should help in the future :slight_smile: Cheers !