I really like the starting hearth “levelling up” that’s a cute little mechanic.
Are there any changes planned for the amount of time it takes to craft items? Currently it seems that even “complex”, higher level items craft very quickly. Perhaps it could fit to have the process take longer/have more steps so that buffs and crafter perks have greater effects?
The idea that a player can CHOOSE a path that will result in more attacks and such is a really clever move. People who prefer more peaceful city building can lean that way, and those who want attacks and sieges can lean the other! It’d be nice to see a few other “paths” the player can choose. Perhaps you need to become a trading hub with suitable accommodation and marketplace for travellers, or you need to provide a town for adventurers to buy armour and weapons in addition to healing… I’d love to see the OPTION for the player having to host an out-of-town ambassador or noble, providing them a suitably fancy and spacious house, good meals etc etc.
Also as always - Please give more building templates, even if they’re placeholder! Sometimes a player just wants to pick something ready-made to plonk down in their town to keep it growing!
Also these types of berry bush groupings seem common, waaaay too much food around the place in a new map. Especially now that seeds are things. Some players might find it fiddly and annoying, but I honestly enjoy the “minigame” of locating and transplanting berry bushes, flowers and silk into small plantations. Even if berry bushes were scattered in groups of twos or threes quite uncommonly it’d still be easy for a player to move them together for an early game farm. Honestly you could get a whole new class out of this mechanic, or extra use out of an existing class, wherein you lay down a zone for automated, repeated collection of plant products.
This picture was naturally occurring bushes in my latest game, easily way too much free food.
Goblins initially blackmailed me for 50 wood too, which seemed to be a pretty lame roll of the dice for demands.
Also the icon for the Trapper job for a characters passionate trait is not the same as the job icon.
Goblin chieftain still seems to wander around near town and not counter attack when my dudes start ganking him.
The early goblin military attack seems to be an all-or-nothing thing where the player can either repel it with ease or gets destroyed. I thought having two soldiers at that early stage was erring on the side of caution but I got into a death spiral and had to reload, then with three soldiers it was easy. The player could do with some more guidance or advice for military matters in their first real taste of combat in the game.
Perhaps adding a plot driven re-enforcements option if the player starts taking casualties? NPCs could intervene and help out, the player could then learn they needed to have a stronger military. To be honest the whole idea of getting into a “fail state” with the game is pretty disagreeable, perhaps thinking about if it should be possible at all or if NPC intervention could always occur. Perhaps with the player losing a lot of gold or possessions when it happens, but still able the get back onto their feet.
Game still dies of idling when I have 14 hearthlings, and my PC isn’t exactly low spec