Defeat the Picture Above!

I propose a thread reset! Give us another chance!

I agree, I think this is the only forum game that I have seen that could actually be entertaining if everyone stuck to the rules. At some point it would get very difficult to try and defeat a picture above, but that’s what makes the idea so interesting, and entertaining.

I’ve noticed a trend on these forums recently. There seems to be a disproportionate amount of forum games propping up. I as the release of the alpha gets closer everyone, like me, is on these forums more often. Since there is no real new info, mostly because Radiant has been so good about giving us info all along, people just need to do something while they are here on these forums. The result is what we see here.

None the less, we should Reset this thread.

Go for it but people please try and have some sort of logic in place!

Right. The anticipation is building up, causing a large amount of forum games to appear. Personally, I don’t think think that Forum Games should be included in General Discussion. Instead, we should have an Off Topic section, where Forum Games could potentially be stored. Anyone from Cube World Forums can back this up, it worked really well.


Well, as you go on to mention there isn’t really much else to talk about at the moment.

@SteveAdamo. We’ve had this discussion before regarding categories and we felt that General Discussion was a catch-all area that would house all of these thing, including forum games.

I think we’re actually gonna look at winding down the forum games for the launch of Alpha 1 so that we can direct our attentions to the right areas and allow discussions pertaining to the game to take up the space, be it about gameplay, suggestions, modding etc.


You are very good at managing my expectations!

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That’s all I ever aim to do - although I seem to have been a bit of a killjoy recently, sorry folks!

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Ok people try and defeat this:

I win!




Actually, I think I won.

Waffle Bombs! The new generation of waffle-based destruction!

So, since I spawned the first forum game on this forum and popularized it with this forum game, I am full reponsible for the uprise of forum games on this forum. So, am I bad guy or not?

Anyways, let’s get on with the game.

Your waffle bomb is no match for my waffle with ice cream and chocolate syrup

The calories! It burns! BURNS, I SAY, BUURRJFKSDLJ%#&(%DSLHFDS&F((4809324iO&R#(f69874)%&*$#(&%*f89!!!11!1!1s1a11s1a1!!!S!SA11A


Here is a picture that defines my reaction to reading your post.

And here is a video that is related to your “IT BURNS!” comment.

And I know I’ve just got ninja’d by @Dwalus

okay lets Start anew shall we? someone Defeat this…

The iron falls into the bathtub, short-circuiting it.

The bathtub gets poo’d on by Stevie here:

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@SteveAdamo I know, this is you.

No offence to nerds, though.