First off I wanna say I am really enjoying this game its incredible, I hope to see more isolated specialized classes like Mage and others I just can’t wait…
That being said one idea I came about while I was driving home, was thinking of a class called the Scout… What this class would do is scout the entire map always like Footmen do now, but hide in close range of enemies etc… hide and send in quests just like the traders and merchants do now in the game this way there is something else for the footmen to do other than patrol all the time.
Also, I would really love to see upgrades to the footmen like commanders, generals, etc… With their very own unique abilities like if a commander is standing near footmen they have more courage or what not.
Last I would love to see ranks above their heads or something {footmen I mean} as they level rank whatever it would be cool, and helpful to form groups if you have a couple of brand new footmen, it would be nice to see who is more experienced to pair the newbie footmen up with.