I saw my farmer collecting invisible silk weed. The “Mature Silk Weed” seems to have no model.
Steps to reproduce:
Make Farm plots
choose silk weed to be planted
let it grow
Expected Result:
A model for “Mature Silk Weed”
Actual Result:
Thers no model for Mature Silk weed when it grows up it finally becomes invisible
Alpha 7 r 183
As seen in the picture here there are now invisible crops xD:
December 21, 2014, 8:47pm
Yay! I can confirm this:
As you can see, the farmer was harvesting silkweed. I think I noticed this after mining underground, but I tried to locate the crops and I couldn’t see them neither in a level underground (like that worker that became geomancer in another report) nor high in the sky.
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Is this specific to ripe silkweed? That’s the only one I’ve seen doing this (although I haven’t grown pumpkins recently)
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December 22, 2014, 3:54pm
I’ve grown all the crops and the only one I’ve seen do this is the silkweed at the ripe stage.
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December 26, 2014, 12:18pm
Merged here. (This report is better than the old one, so I left it at the top).
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December 30, 2014, 10:13pm
@Tom (if you ever read this) [quote=“LordGrimli, post:23, topic:9092”]
invalid file path ‘/stonehearth/entities/crops/silkweed/silkweed.qb’.
I think the culprit is stonehearth/entities/crops/silkweed_crop/silkweed_crop.json
line 32: “file(…/silkweed/silkweed.qb)”
is not correct. If stage 5 corresponds to the wild silkweed model, it should point to stonehearth\entities\plants\silkweed\silkweed.qb
Paging @sdee in case she sees this before and can notify Tom…
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January 11, 2015, 3:51pm
Mature silkweed disapears, but is still being harvested by the farmer(minor bug)
Immature silkweed is still visible. once it matures its no longer visible, though the farmer still knows its there and still harvests it.
Steps to reproduce:
create a silkweed farm
wait till it is ready to be harvested
Expected Results:
The mature silkweed is visible
Actual results:
It is not visible
the field the farmer is harvesting, is full of mature silkweed
Note: this is the first time playing A7 official release, might be that it only happends on some occasion. I reported this the minute t happend(my game is still on pauze this very moment I am writing this) ill keep this post updated. if the field returns to normal
I think this bug has been reported, but not for the official release. Looks like some broken .qb
file hasn’t been fixed yet.
Edit : here is the link to the bug report.
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If this bugs you I’ve released an unofficial fix.
Still broke in unstable alpha 8 release (if nobody said it before )