Cloud Shadows shouldn't darken other shadows

Minor gripe, but cloud shadows shouldn’t darken other shadows. If a tree or a building casts a shadow there’s already no light hitting the shadowed area so it doesn’t make sense that it darkens further when a cloud shadow is moving through that area.
Only exception: Assuming that some clouds are transparent their shadows would indeed darken if one cloud would float above the other, but only to a certain amount and they wouldn’t have any effect at shadows from fully opaque things.
The way they are now they’re just planes set to multiply. Maybe, when worse things have been sorted out, that’s something worth to be considered fixing. Anyhow, keep up the great work.


That is not actually true if you can see something in the shadow (for example grass) light is hitting the ground. Trees just block out some of it. In the reall world shadows cast by tree grows stronger too when hit by the shadows of clouds.


You’re right, though that’s only ambient light being reflected by the surroundings. Since we haven’t got Global Illumination in SH (other than SSAO, itself being a form of fake GI, kinda) I feel like the my initial proposal would be a more coherent approach to lighting.

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For myself, I’d be far more interested in seeing them fix the basic lighting itself. It’s pretty bad when you use “slice” to see inside a mountain and the place is lit up like daytime because there is no longer any way for the rendering engine to realise it is actually underground.

It would certainly encourage you to craft lights if you needed them to see by as the player! And maybe the hearthlings courage would be lowered in completely darkened areas…