Cat Kingdom Mod - Purrfect Villagers!

I can help with questions like I usually do. But I’ll not be able to actually join the group as I’m already full of projects (including other kingdoms). As I keep jumping from one project to another, I end up never finishing them. :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s ok!
BTW, I own you some help on the PT-BR translation! :smiley:

I have some questions of how to break my pipeline in smaller pieces, since I have no clue of how to open the game and see how many elements I need to be aware of in order to finish this mod. Can you help on this? How do I do that? PM me (in portuguese, for Bunny God’s sake!)

Hi @Bella_Chatlotte

As long as it has something to do with designing buildings you are more than welcome to pull me aside and we can have a chat about what you need?
Ideas and concepts is ok aswell, but i figure you have that under control already :rofl:

I wont promise anything on the modelingside for now, since i know in the future that there is a whole kingdom of goblins waiting for me and i need to focus on them at that point :slight_smile: But who knows, you can always ask and maybe i can help out in some way… let me know.

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@BrunoSupremo was just telling me about get a kingdom mod as a model, so I can stretch up my pipeline.
Can I have a look on this mod files?
Nevermind, Bruno just told me to open Rayya’s mod!

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I’ll always be around to help around with anu questions regarding modeling or animating, but i won’t be able to be an ‘active’ member of the creation mainly because i’m currently busy with University applications and personal projects and problems.
But again, if you have any questions about Modeling or Animating don’t hesitate to ask me about it, i check the forums every day so if you page me i’m be sure to be there.

Also, when time comes when you need the kingdom portrait(for the selection screen) feel free to ask me for it, but only when you get it all working, i’ve had drawings made that never saw the light of day, so i’d rather have a little more confidence in its actual use when i draw it


Again, I have a building concept that I’m struggling with. Can you do your magic on a gypsy kittenling treehouse, pleeeease? <3


Aww… U’re the best, Symbol <3

I’m reading that post you recommended and making notes.
I will definitely ask you for help if I stumble on something that I don’t get through by myself.

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She said to herself:

He smiled and a small glimmer could be seen in his eyes; the smile would soon turn into a sinister laugh…

Laughs and giggles aside, I like the idea that you’ll share your thoughts with those interested to help.
Will make it easier to get a combined vision for the end-goal!


The end of an era…

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I’m always happy to offer ideas/suggestions/random thoughts/crazy theories; and if you’re ever looking for someone to help fill out the lore of your kittenling race I’d be very keen to lend my experience as a writer.

Truth be told I’d love to get more involved, but I’m a bit busy as well (mostly with looking for a new job since my current one won’t last much longer… but I also have about a bajillion personal projects underway and some have deadlines coming up hahaha) so I can’t make any promises. That said, I’ve been wanting to actually sit down and make some mods of my own rather than just always talking about them, so, we’ll see – I may be able to help out with filling in some of the .json once you have the basics set up and it’s just a case of following a template.

In the meantime, yes you’re most welcome to throw me any questions or ideas or, well, whatever you want to throw my way hahah. I like helping out, even if it’s just bouncing ideas around… especially when I’m bouncing ideas around, because that’s what I’m good at hahaha!


This look like a fun design, let me see what i come up with and i will respond. I guess there is a question about the colorscheme? If you want all the buildings to follow the same base design, i could surely use some more information on colors, special features and so?

Thanks :slight_smile:

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You guys talk like I’m on vacations or something! :rofl:
I don’t want you to be 24/7 on the project. I’m the one that needs to concentrate all my spare time on this, since I’m leading the project and want to learn everything I can about mods.
I want you guys to pay attention on this post and help me out with whatever you can, whenever you feel interested on go after a solution for me. That will be awesome, and in the end of the day, I’ll feel like you got my back on this, like I’m already feeling. I can’t express my joy every time someone reply here with some idea, new designs, or just saying their opinion on something. <3

/\ THIS! This is what I need right now! \o/
I need some help with lore, cause I want it to be “canon” wt the rest of the game.
Where do I can find more about the SH lore itself?
I’m going to do a research on Romany/Gypsy people and see what I can come up with.


I’m still wondering why @balsacat imagined the kittenlings on the swamp map. :thinking:

About colors, I’m about to start a research on Romany/Gypsy people, and see if there’s something that I can use to solve this problem. I have notice that they like yellow-gold to adorn things, and primary-vibrant colors as base, with a predilection for red and white in contrast with wood. I’m in love for this wagon, and this one too.

About features, what do you have in mind? I’m very obsessed on create new recipes for most of the crafters. Such as wall mandalas by the Potter, dream-catches by the Weaver and a sort of furniture that resembles to be part of the gypsy-world. I think that custom doors and windows with a round-shape design (like hobbit houses) are a must to make buildings more gypsy-like and make it differend of the Rayya’s children and Ascendency.

Plus, I want to do 3 arabesques pattern wallpapers for the inside/outside of the wagon and treehouse, using catnip flowers, moon with stars, and other with kitten paws. :smile:

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A thing i was imagining was the doors… What if the doors was hinged in the top? kinda like catdoors?
But then made out of wood like a real door? maybe even the round shape like the gypsy theme?

What else? maybe some scratcy stuff like rope around the tree? or just other catrelated stuff, changed into a more gypsy/human kinda thing…

I will try and go for colors inspired by those two pictures you posted…


Do you plan to have multiple bed types? If so, the basic type could be a cardboard box!


Great idea! I wonder if it’s possible to make this door open to both sides, depending of what side the kittenling is coming.

typing down this ideas with a big smile on her face
Now this is brainstorm! Let’s keep that ball in the air! \o/


maybe it’s some kind of bug but i posted this comment for your cats models

Sorry, this is the only comment you made on my post that I have found.
(btw, what did you mean by that? I’m curious since then!)

few days ago, you asked which cat model we prefer. i can’ t find the post now but i’m sure that i clicked on “Reply” on it X)

this one

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