Stone statues, already suggested, but more generic…
A few basic statues implemented, such as cid, and a hearthling, but a bit in the code to make it easy to make your own statue, maybe just make ‘statues file’ where you can put in voxelized models, and then the amount of stone required is simply the relative amount of voxels.
A stone brazier to have open fires in, like we see on walls of castles in movies, the guards always stand and talk next to them in night time in the movies
Hirokitkichiro Kinda mentioned this earlier, but a sort of furnace or forge would be cool. I imagine that the blacksmith’s crafting station is going to be an anvil, but you could set it up so that you have tiered crafting stations, which improve the number of recipes that can be made, or the chance of making a fine object, or something. It would make sense for the tier two blacksmith crafting station, a forge, to be built by the mason, since it would be made of stone.
Well, several people revealed they are also named ‘Steve’ (myself included), and then there was some sort of epidemic of “Steveness” and “I am Steve” going around…
I didn’t really have many useful additions to the stone list.
Maybe dice to gamble with, idols to elder beings, or a tea set. But since you opened up the floor to suggestions, I have to ask, the only thing I’ve ever wanted in a game like this is actual “useless” treasure. I want to be able to fill a vault with piles of coins and gems and all sorts of items made from precious metals and guard them. So I guess a Stone Vault Door would be in order. lol.
I don’t know if this is the right place for this idea, but will the gargoyle have any function in the game? It would be awesome if goblins were scared of gargoyles, so users could place them strategically to keep goblins out of stockpile areas.
I wasn’t there for the entire stream last night, so this may have been mentioned… but I agree, giving these (or other “decorative” items) additional properties would be really fun!
Braziers would be nice (this way you could craft something like the firepit, but a little nicer)
Wall sconces
Fireplaces or furnaces
Cobblestone for roads and houses
ornamental stuff like statues of animals and people for gardens (gnomes!)
Keep up the great work guys!
Craft-able stonehearth, so if the town gets massive, the people don’t have to go all the way to the first hearth to rest
-More ornate versions of crafting stations to add to productivity-
e.g: “Stone bound carpenter’s table”-'This table is so cool, I wanna spend more time working with it" [+10% productivity for carpenter-like the worker’s better clothes