Call for Suggestions: Mason Recipes!

Good stuff people. I’ve updated the main post with the list of ideas so far. Early heads up: I’ll be modelling this stuff on stream tomorrow at 6:00 PM PST


@Tom … would you like a poll for the items you’ve collected, or are you just going to attack them as the inspiration strikes you? :smile:

more “things”:

  • Philosopher’s stone ( :wink:)
  • foundation blocks/slabs?
  • tombstone variants
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How about building foundations or a basement walls.

I’ll do everything on my list in the first post, in whatever order is most convenient. :smiley:


@Tom I believe you have missed out the most essential mason recipe


If were doing stuff like that, A Stone Newf Statue will be a nice addition to the game.


Some sort of furnace/oven could probably be useful as base for many things (cooking, metallurgy) or just as a handy indoor light/warmth source (think of it as a primitive form of chimneys?)

A bit dark, maybe, but because deaths happen, how about one or two really neat and impressive tombstones to replace the default one (which might get a little bit “more casual” in return). After all, the fallen should be honoured. Also, zombies and ghosts and necromancy.


Small decorations:
Things you can place in your house, maybe on your bedside table, as opposed to lifesized (or larger) things)
More statues.
Even more statues.

Useful Stuff:
Chimney pieces

Buildings Etc
Stonehenge pieces
Columns & column tops (Greek, baroque, you name it)

That should do for now :slight_smile: .


Hmm some special kind of road block :slight_smile:

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Memorial Pillars and other graveyard chic…

Stone Signage?

Fire pit / Camp fire

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A stone Slab to go with the 3 kinds of wooden slabs we have now.

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many good suggestions, but you also need Garden Gnome(s) and deity statue(s)


Stone wall panels. To decorate the underground.
stone flags (poles)
Stone bath tube
stone mining cars
stone trainstation

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I second the call for a furnace or an oven… Functional furniture! I’d imagine it to be like a workshop for the blacksmith or any potential cook/food class.

Maybe a well-type structure to act as a water source (fountain I’d imagine to be decorative).

Construction pillars maybe as a sort of something you can plop down on a building. Or a chimney. Perhaps that’d run along with Steve’s idea of opening more construction options, which would be great!

Stone tiles sort of working with the construction UI, a mason could open up tiles and bricks, but I do believe this was discussed in the original idea.

Stone pots used as planters, larger than the current small pots and maybe more fancy.

Stone spear as un upgrade to wooden swords. Or an axe/hammer as that’d make more sense to use the current animations. Though dunno about the worth as the blacksmith might replace these really quick.

A grindstone which would be a component sent to the carpenter to build a rotary grindstone which a blacksmith could use to unlock sharpened metal tools.

Dunno where else it could go as masonry as far as I know is most concerned with constructions… Maybe this thing

…but maybe not.

Excellent stream by the way! Having the live commentary made it that much better.


I wish there was a way for building materials to be unlocked by certain professions… because I’d love it if masons unlocked stone slabs. But for actual crafted stuff:

  • Stone countertops, with a table as an ingredient
  • Stone lanterns, more gray and modern than the current ones
  • Stone “fences” - Like Minecraft’s cobblestone walls
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How about a nice Stone Well. I know water isn’t implemented yet, but it would looks nice.


I’ve just remembered: What about pet rocks?


Only if they move when off-camera :smiley:



That would be soooo cool…

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It’s the Stonehearth version of weeping angels.