Building grounds for the bunny

D’aww, he wants a hug - and carrots; you should bring him offerings of carrots!

And you will be able to, once I figure out why this keeps happening!

Despite this!
“info”: { “name”: “Stonebunny”, “version”: 1 },

“aliases”: { “stone_bunny”: “file(stonebunny/entities/furniture/stone_bunny)” },
“mixintos”: { “stonehearth/jobs/mason/recipes/recipes.json”: [“file(mixins/mason_recipes.json)”] }

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though i’m probably wrong, i believe that there’s an extra stone_bunny there, it should be,

“aliases”: {“stone_bunny”: “file(/entities/furniture/stone_bunny)”}

i’ll also page @Drotten because, unlike me, he actually knows this stuff.

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“info”: { “name”: “Stonebunny”, “version”: 1 },

“aliases”: { “stone_bunny”: “file(entities/furniture/stone_bunny)” },
“mixintos”: { “stonehearth/jobs/mason/recipes/recipes.json”: [“file(mixins/mason_recipes.json)”] }


because under the name you put “stonebunny” but for file path put “stone_bunny”?

Still getting the “not in manifest” error after making all instances of stone_bunny into stonebunny;


    "info": { "name": "Stonebunny", "version": 1 },

    "aliases": { "stonebunny": "file(entities/furniture/stonebunny)" },
    "mixintos": { "stonehearth/jobs/mason/recipes/recipes.json": ["file(mixins/mason_recipes.json)"] }

Recipe: (stonebunny_recipe):


   "work_units"  : 8,
   "recipe_name" : "Bunny Monument",
   "description" : "A replica of the ancient monument to the gods.",
   "flavor"      : "Carrot offerings are recommended",
   "portrait"    : "/stonebunny/entities/statue/stonebunny/stonebunny.png",
   "level_requirement" : 4,
   "workshop": "stonehearth:mason:pedestal",
   "ingredients": [
         "material" : "stone resource",
         "count" : 8
  "produces": [

mason_recipes (mixins):

    "craftable_recipes": {
        "statues": {
            "ordinal": 8,
            "name": "Monuments",
            "recipes": {
                "stone_bunny": {
                    "recipe": "file(../recipes/stonebunny_recipe.json)"

stonebunny.json (in entities/furniture/stonebunny):

   "mixins" : "file(stonebunny_ghost.json)",
   "components": {
      "stonehearth:entity_forms" : {
         "iconic_form" : "file(stonebunny_iconic.json)",
         "ghost_form" : "file(stonebunny_ghost.json)",
         "placeable_on_ground" : true
      "region_collision_shape" : {
         "region": [
               "min" : { "x" : -0.75, "y" : 0, "z" : -0.75 },
               "max" : { "x" : 1.75, "y" : 3, "z" : 1.75 }
   "entity_data" : {
      "stonehearth:net_worth" : {
         "value_in_gold" : 250,
         "rarity" : "common",
         "shop_info" : {
            "buyable" : true,   
            "sellable" : true,
            "shopkeeper_level" : 2,
            "shopkeeper_type" : "caravan"


   "components": {
      "model_variants": {
         "default": {
            "models": [
      "unit_info": {
         "name": "Stone bunny",
         "description": "Culture ensribed into stone",
         "icon" : "file(stonebunny.png)"
      "stonehearth:material" : {
         "tags" : "stone furniture crafted"
      "mob" : {
         "model_origin" : { "x": -0.05, "y": 0, "z": 0.05 },
         "region_origin" : { "x": 0.5, "y": 0, "z": 0.5 }


   "mixins": "stonehearth:mixins:item_properties",
   "type": "entity",
   "components": {
      "item" : {
         "category" : "decoration"
      "model_variants": {
         "default": {
            "models": [
      "mob" : {
         "model_origin" : { "x": -0.05, "y": 0, "z": 0.05 }

I just wanted one easy little mod to get my failure schism to shut up! :cry:

dang it! i know i’ve had this problem in the past, i just forget how to fix it :scream:

Can you put the files into a zip and throw them up on the Discourse? That way we can clearly see the file structure and play around with it?

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wait, in my mods manifest it went,

aliases: {

“weapons:fancy_bronze_mace” : “file(entities/weapons/fancy_bronze_mace/fancy_bronze_mace.json)”


but maybe thats just a really old way to do it…


so yours should go,

aliases: {

“furniture:stonebunny” “stonebunny”: “file(entities/furniture/stonebunny)”

} (37.7 KB)

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Get ready to laugh at yourself…

You can’t have the folder use a capital letter. Switch the Stonebunny folder inside of mods to be stonebunny.


That…that’s it? Really? xD
Waah… ahaha, thanks. Hmm, he looks small. Think I’ll try making it bigger once I fix that. Thank you so much, @jomaxro!


i like him small… perhaps have two sizes?

I’ll make a second one now that I know what was going wrong ^.^


Also, check the png, didn’t seem to generate in the crafting UI.

This is the png; is there any reason it wouldn’t work? Wrong size maybe?

I believe it is supposed to be 300x300, but that shouldn’t prevent it from appearing. I will keep playing on my end…

Oh, wait, was a typo from the looks of it. I still had it as “Statue” instead of “furniture” in the recipe file.

(because I just went to change it back now that I’m adding a larger one and noticed that, oops)

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Is this a better size?

Also, something seems off with the iconic item when on the ground. It is too large, and does not fit in a 1x1 spot in a stockpile.

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Hmm, I’ll see about shrinking it - and hah, that was the intend with the original / larger one.

Making a statue version (the small one) and a monument one (larger one) currently; was playing with the colouring a little on the statue version to make them distinct. Will see about shrinking the icon so it fits as well.

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it will need to be 10x10 voxels to fit into one “tile” of a stockpile.