Build 293 x64 - Firepit Skull has the wrong sound / loop of ignite


this info is without a screenshot because it doesnt make sense ^^ If you go at the night to the goblin camp you will continuly here the fire ignite sound at the skull firepit ^^

so i have checked the effects (stonehearth\data\effects\firepit_effect\firepit_effect.json and stonehearth\data\effects\firepit_effect\green_firepit_effect.json)

it was forget to c&p the infos for the sounds ^^

quick search in letsplays has give this video - at 11.27 you can hear it … just ignore the german speaker ^^ YouTube

Edit: give me some minutes to test my fix ^^

Well, green_firepit_effect.json actually mixins the firepit_effect.json

"mixins" : "file(firepit_effect.json)",

That would grab all of the tracks, including these sounds:

"sound": {
    "type": "sound_effect",
    "duration": 500,
    "start_time": 0,
    "min_distance": 25,
    "falloff" : 3,
    "volume": 60,
    "track" : "stonehearth:sounds:firepit_ignite_sound"
"sound": {
    "type": "sound_effect",
    "loop" : true,
    "start_time": 400,
    "min_distance": 40,
    "falloff" : 2.5,
    "volume": 70,
    "track" : "stonehearth:sounds:firepit_loop_sound"        

I haven’t tested this myself, but if there’s a bug I’m guessing it’s because both of them are named “sound” and the mixin is adding the firepit_ignite_sound, then mixing in firepit_loop_sound. Since mixins don’t override, the only thing the second mixin does is adds the loop: true parameter because it’s not yet set. So the green firepit would effectively end up with the following track:

"sound": {
    "loop" : true,
    "type": "sound_effect",
    "duration": 500,
    "start_time": 0,
    "min_distance": 25,
    "falloff" : 3,
    "volume": 60,
    "track" : "stonehearth:sounds:firepit_ignite_sound"

To fix, you should be able to just rename one of them from “sound” to something else.


ok i havent seen the mixin ^^ i have only add the sound settings manualy in the green-effect … normally this should also help ^^ but yes i think its a problem of the type ^^ ok that hasnt worked xD

AAAAANNNNNDDDD THE WINNER ISSSSS … JONZOID ^^ Just change Sound to Sound2 and now it works :wink:

@Tom little fix for you :wink:


its also in 256 ^^ @sdee

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and again in 293 ^^ @sdee

Ok, you’ve been heard (and good analysis @jonzoid). Fixed for the patch after Release 335.