[BUG] no icon by delete a placed objects/door building in wall stop the process

no icon by delete a placed objects/door building in wall stop the process

-Describe the problem in detail. Exactly how did you get it to happen?
no icon by delete a placed objects/door building in wall stop the process

  • Does it happen all the time, or only rarely?
    all the time

Add anything you think might be important to the bug report.

here ist a picture of the 2 bug, by the first bug i want a icon that they delete this objekt, at the first moment i think nothing gone happen.

Steps to reproduce:
Distill what you did into as many steps as necessary. The more steps describing the bug the better. This is the most important part of the reporting process, as bugs that can’t be reliable reproduced are exceptionally more difficult to resolve. It may seem silly, but don’t assume we know exactly how you did what you did. :slight_smile:

build a wall, wait that the have build the first lane, then add a door, aaaaand its bugged.

Versions and Mods:
What version of the game are you running? Did you install any 3rd party mods or make any mods yourself? If so, list them here too. Does the bug still happen if you remove all the mods?

version: 593 64 bit version
mods: german translation from:

System Information:
What system are you using? Especially for performance/graphics issues, note your OS, CPU, Memory, Graphics Card, and any other details you think might be relevant.

OS: Win 10
CPU: I7 4x 4,4ghz
Memory: 16GB
Graphics Card: GTX 970

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Welcome to the forum, @Agaros :slight_smile:

Currently the game doesn’t support editing a building while it is being built, nor after it is built (in this last case you can place furniture, I think, but not doors or windows).

When you are still in design mode (not started to build), there’s an eraser icon on the left of the UI:

with which you can click on furniture and doors that you want to remove.

the erase button is a bit tough to use due to cliping but will get the job done.