I have been thinking some more and had some more ideas. I generally dislike the usage of wood for smelting. I have been thinking about how to get it to coal without making it a real hard thing.
Currently i have a recipe that uses 3 wood to create 1 coal. I was thinking about changing it to charcoal which can not be used to make steel but can be used to use af fuel for the forge. And changing all the requirements to coal instead of wood. Change the ratio into 2 wood into 5 charcoal.
Making it so that the hearthlings would prefer to use charcoal instead of normal coal for smelting.
This would make it so that some recipes that use coal can also use charcoal as well while some recipes only can use real coal. (Just like in real you cant use charcoal for making steel)
This system would come close to the system 1 craft but allows normal coal to be used as well.
The refueling system would still be nice but downside to that is that i would have to wait for my friend to be able to write lua (should not take very long) since i need real code for that. I can not simply use the siege weapon component.
Making another furnace for mass smelting is a good idea whatever system i will or will not implant ^^
Whatever system i will choose or not ill be at least making a charcoal bruner. Cureently the forge is used to make coal from wood and a seperate workbench for that seems fitting.