Not sure if this has been brought up, but getting 200 bulletin announcements every single time you start the game is a bit much. You pretty much must just sit through them all each time since every one that pops up usually cancels out anything you were trying to do. Is there a way (in the code perhaps) to turn these off for just the start of the game?
What bulletins are those?
Do you mean the tutorial, mouse button control and cutting down the trees?
If so open user_settings.json in the StoneHearth folder and pop this is
"tutorial" : {
"hideStartingTutorial" : true
Just before the very last }
and make sure this
"alpha_welcome" : {
"hide" : true
is paste right above
"renderer" : {
or perhaps he’s referring to the replayed announcements we see when loading a save game? as in, re-announcing class promotions…
jup i think also he mean this ^^
Steve wins a dollar! yeah, they’re called bulletins when you hover over the explanation mark in the icon bar.
I have found that they keep playing when you pause, so I’ve been pausing the game on launch and coming back to it in 5 minutes when they’ve all stopped re-playing.
You can avoid this if you acknowledge each bulletin as it comes up, but that’s a hassle - I don’t want to have to click on every announcement to tell me that so-and-so has gained a level. All we really need is an “acknowledge all announcements” button, or to have the game automatically acknowledge all announcements (other than daily reports) after 1 minute.
Changed Category because this is really needed.