[Alpha9 Build 240] - error msg when promote my first blacksmith into a simple guy

Title:error msg when promote my first blacksmith into a simple guy

I see my first blacksmith doing nothing when i promote my secondary blacksmith.
so i wanted to retrieve the anvil but nothing… si i want to set the blacksmith into a worker --> error msg. (see image) but the result is ok i have a new worker and only 1 blacksmith.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. create 2 blacksmith
  2. retrieve the anvil
  3. promote the blacksmith to worker

Expected Results:
blacksmith to worker

Actual Results:
blacksmith to worker but the anvil cannot be deleted



Versions and Mods:

System Information:


This is actually 2 bugs you are talking about.

The first is that the anvil cannot be deleted, which is a known bug.

The second is changing the blacksmith -> worker. That is a bug. I have faced the same issue. But it does not happen every time with me. I am glad you got a screen shot of it.

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