so after some hour gameplay i have found some bugs … at first the game crashes very often at the moment…
1- When somebody dies in a party - the dont vanish or can be remove -> party doesnt work anymore -> resolution delete and make new:
2- there are no scrollbar for the workshops and when you change the order direction via drag and drop you get this error (also the crafting system doesnt work correctly -for example you want a comfy bed and for this you need a mean bed - if try to make a comfy bed before the mean bed - it blocks the complete list (also i doenst help to set the order behind the mean bed -> you must delete the order for resolution)
3- workers (in this pic the carpenter) stuck idle
he is sleep and he is hungry but he cant walk anymore … if i remove the job - he try to walk but the he fall asap asleep and cant walk ^^ resolution save and restart
4- the burining goblin (i think this is known in older versions ^^)
5- an old bug - before the remove the scaffolding the should remove old items from the building resolution = build own ladder
6- they can fly! OKKKK they can levitate ^^ they want to sit in the chair but now the levitate over them -
7- mining brings the system to stuck ^^ 6 worker and a big mine xD
8- goblins cant be killed and they dont do anything anmore xD
last but not least the biggest issue (but ka why this happens)
there are problems with the UI - at some point it doesnt will open any window - if you try to save it doenst do this and overwriting delete your saves but no new save … (i have lost 6 days and 6 new villagers xD)
here is a screen of slicemode on but no info
and sometimes the game close automatically without info - one time i have seen a quick info because authorization but it was gone to fast to make a screenshot or read it ^^
now some suggestions:
- first i think the ore rate should be increased!- i have search the hole map and only found gold - then i have make a big mine in the mountain and again nothing
- in the template menü an quickbutton for normal walls and perhaps an option to make them thicker then one block
- for the flooring menü gras? so you can hide false mining OR an option the fill mined holes ^^
- in the options is an false link to the bugs
its not category its only “c” - perhaps this as a link so its open the forum automatically
- integrate the mouse wheel in the crafting menüs - so you can easy scroll the list and perhaps the orders
i hope this helps you. have a nice day and like ever: NICE WORK!
edit: i have get the error message again: Assertion Failed i ! = end(c:\rb\root\sh-ob0-build\stonehearth\source\horde3d\source\horde3denginge\egrendererbase.h:65)