(Alpha 17) Lake Town (WIP)

Dang, day 90ish? Wow. My Lumineux build is around day 60ish and that’s already like 30 hours of gameplay.

And 32 citizens?! Yeesh, I capped my population at 20, because once they reached 25+, everyone stopped moving things to the stockpile, and footmen wouldn’t patrol anymore.

My utmost respect for someone who can build these amazing things with such devotion and under the handicapped state you get from overpopulation.


The game is doing well so far. Only the nights with all the lights he has trouble with handling it, but that is simply fixed by setting the number of lights to 0. The buildings are not all made of slabs only the roof. I never had a monster in my houses. I have now 33 hearthlings and they doing there job good. Only one thing they have problems with is removing scaffbuilding. I’m now at day 28 of growmun.

So far Lake Town


This is quite an awesome little town you have going! If you have a moment, I would really appreciate it if you could upload it a save to Dropbox or somewhere and link it here so I can take some time to diagonse the performance problems you’re having. No hearthings should have to starve because of perf problems. :frowning:

This is so awesome. Can’t wait to see where you take it!


I can only imagine how amazing it’s gonna look when you are able to make some amazing boats

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I think @Beatrice has created a mod to include a boat, when she was building her lake town.

Perhaps she is willing to share ?


Amazing Village you got going there :slight_smile: Love it.

First thing i started thinking of when i saw it was that lake village in the Hobbit :slightly_smiling:

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Inspiring work, fun to see your progress. Keep it up!

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I will try to place it on dropbox or something like that so you can see it yourself. It is possible to make a boat but then I must use instant build and I prefer for not using that command.

My inspiration comes from lake town and the next building will be that of the mayor of lake-town and I hope my villagers can make such a great building. I use this book for inspiration: https://www.wetanz.com/chronicles-art-and-design-dos/

Getting hungry from the beautiful view

The most right building is the newest of the town

All threes gone and the ground flattened


Are you building the buildings block by block, or using the building designer?

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The roof is made of slabs but the rest is made with building designer. The details on the buildings is also made with slabs.


Thanks to the new update I can work again on lake town. I’m now busy with building the houses for the craftsmen.


(in best Darth Vader voice:) “Impressive.”


**With 37 people and day 23 of feastmun it is going pretty good. **

Every building costs tons of time, but it is almost a real lake town

Next step is making some boats


WOW you are an excellent builder, this reminds me of the lake town from the hobbit. keep up the good work!

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Finally finished some buildings after spending hours for waiting them to build. It is like the game doesn’t know how to handle 40villagers. If lost 4 by starvation. When they get hungry only half of them start eating the others wait till they finish or don’t eat at all. They also have problems with sleeping. I have enough beds, tables, food enz. but it is like they don’t know where it is. That is way I have decided to wait until their is a better stable alpha.


Looks awesome :smiley:

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Love to hear that (spend 100+ hours on it)


Well worth 100 hours.
I love that the town looks so complete in many ways and a very cool setting to the place with the houses. Think of the lake town in Hobbit and like a Town from the Pirates times :slight_smile: