Adding plants to a default biome

Hi, just wondering if anyone knows a way to add a new type of flower so that it generates like the brightbell or berry bush in a biome without making a new one, im trying to make a mod to add new lights to the game and whilst the lights work perfectly to get the different colors i want the players to have to collect resources from the world , i just dont know how to add entities to the generation and so any help would be appreciated :smiley:

You already know how to mixinto files right?
If so, than you can simple copy how the brightbells are being added, but in your file content, you change it to your plant, then mix your file into the desired biome.

For example, I copied this from the desert, where you can simple replace all instance of pear_cactus with your own plant:

	"landscape": {
		"placement_table": {
			"stonehearth:plants:pear_cactus": {
				"placement_type": "dense",
				"parameters": {
					"grid_multiple": 4,
					"item_density": 0.2,
					"exclusion_radius": 1
		"scattered": {
			"plants": {
				"weights": {
					"plains": {
						"1": {
							"stonehearth:plants:pear_cactus": 10
					"foothills": {
						"1": {
							"stonehearth:plants:pear_cactus": 2
					"mountains": {
						"1": {
							"stonehearth:plants:pear_cactus": 2

Thanks, ill have a go in the morning:smiley: