Action music loops until game is restarted

I’ve actually run into what 8bitsofsteel has mentioned. Once it starts, it doesn’t stop, unless of course combat is initiated & finished. That is 50-50 though that it will stop in that instance. Usually though I would have to reload in order for the music to stop.

Granted there is a pack of wolves nearby, like 20 or so blocks away; which are stranded. That is around the corner of a mountain and line of sight is a distance away. roughly 20-30 blocks from any hearthling. the wolves spawned there when I had a ladder leading down there in a prior update, but since removed ladder and they are now stranded there.

Was mentioned in my post indirectly. ended up noticing both the battle music not stopping and the other end combat double victory one. 2807. That post had a file attached of my save, which shows you distance those wolves are, if loaded up. So how close is close enough for it to not be initiating battle music; beyond the other event encounters?

My hearthlings don’t exactly wander over that far near the wolves since taking down the ladder that accessed them; nothing to do in that area far as I know. Every other creature… are even further away.

Didn’t experience the combat music continuously going in the prior versions of A14, just the mentioned one. I think that save was started in the 2797 build(The one prior to 2807), but was loaded up in the 2807.

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