A solution to building problems in Stonehearth!

Hello all,

As of present the multi-story building, or any buildings that present a flourish of detail and creativity can be problematic when building, so I am suggesting that during the building selection, there should be a phase tab, so under phase one, hearthlings will work only on building the phase one, then you go to phase two tab, put on a second story, some details, then the hearthlings, on completion of phase one roll into phase two, put that fancy second floor on and then hit phase three for the roof.

I find this would help as they don’t seem to apply logion to fully working in specific ways and then it becomes a big mess of scaffolding and bad pathing.


This sounds great! Maybe it isn’t as feasible from a GUI standpoint but I think it’s a good way to think about how the building logic is done for the Hearthlings!

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