A few quetions (getting back into the game)

I’ve been out of the loop for quite some time in regards to stonehearth and have a few questions since I just got back into it today

1: naming your town? I remember something popping up when you go to set out but now it auto names it expedition ## ( in my case expedition 62) is there a way to rename it or will that come down the quest chain line? (( ok I answered my own question for this one. I was not sure if I was doing something wrong or not ))

  1. is there a place I might be able to find the backdrops that were used for the alphas. there are some I would love to have as my desktop backdrop\

  2. magma smith. im guessing that might come out later ? or was it scraped altogether ?

you get a quest, to pick your type of banner, then at the top, you can name your town

it was scrapped,(they just rolled it all into blacksmith and geomancer instead) but ACE project is working it in in a different way (ie enchanting made weapons and armor)

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aww the idea seems cool. but at least they still put the ideas in

ACE project?

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This might help :merry: