2310 x64 The game is slow

Yes i bet this is prolly just another bug. might wanna see if other ppl have that too xD

i still don’t understand why some people say this game is very laggy in both x-modes mine is absolutely fine, unless i harvest trees or mine, then i get a fraction of second of stop lag which is the worst i have ever had

Peoples systems and setups are different. That’s pretty much it. Some people will run into issues, other people won’t.


And I hope that the folks who aren’t having any issues understand the frustrations of those that are having game-breaking troubles. Price of admission into this alpha test is pretty steep, so people’s frustrations are understandable.

Great bunch of devs though, and they seem to be all about getting this game working, so kudos to them.


of course very understandable (i had my rare game breaker last night… mined/harvested too much… stop lag for about 5 mins and then… BANG to desktop… save was corrupted too :’( )

What alpha testers don’t seem to understand (and its as much my fault as well… who doesnt like to B*tch and moan at games in developement?) is that you get exactly WHAT you paid for… an alpha game a game in the early stages of developement a game which can crash if you eat the berries instead of the rabbit, a game which can corrupt the save files if you mine that copper 3 ft away rather than 1 ft away etc… and thats what MOST people don’t want to admit, and here is why

Because we are human; people seem to think because they PAY for something, that they are automatically entitled to a game/product/venue at it’s finished and most awesome state and when it goes against that grain that is when people want to start WW III/IV/V AND VI* :stuck_out_tongue:

GO DEVS, GO! not venting, honestly, just giving my much entitled views :smiley:

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That’s why I’m trying my damnest to supply every bit of information I can as well as log and save files for the game-breaking issues. My hearburn is with people who say “leave the devs alone, it’s ALPHA”. If we “leave them alone”, they’ll never know the bugs we’re having and game development will take 10 times longer.