Writer’s Workshop: Team Radiant Edition! [Round 2 submissions]

Psychopatic Misanthrope, on promotion to carpenter.

“A saw! They’re giving me a saw! For making chairs, tables, doors and… I wonder if it can cut through bone…”


Psychopathic Misanthrope - Farming/ Planting crops:

“I’m not sure why the others don’t agree that blood and bone would make for a good fertilizer … Not skin though, it gives the wheat a funny taste.”


Beleaguered Leader - On Embarking:

“‘More trees, more berries, more grass’, they’re never satisfied. Next time I’m heading straight into a troll cave!”


ok folks, round 2 is now over! submissions are closed, but the voting continues through the weekend…

on Monday, I’ll compile the results, and we’ll start the third and final week of the competition…

remember, no submissions next week, just voting for those entries that made it through the first two rounds…

so get to voting! :smile:

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Geoffers Edit: Bump for Voting.

edit #2: ok, folks… voting is open for about 5 more hours, then i think we’ll call it, announce this round’s winners, and move on to the final round of the competition! :smiley:

edit #3: ok, the tallying process has begun… i’ll toss up a third and final thread in a bit, but this will be exclusive to casting votes for finalists from our two submission rounds…

thanks to everyone for participating and voting!! :smile:

edit #4: so, the winners from both rounds have been collected, and votes tallied… i’m just wanting to confirm something before moving forward with round three… stay tuned! :wink: