Why programmers are awesomer than you

To be fair, it does take a least a few weeks to save up for that BMW. The house might take a few whole months!!!


Perhaps I shouldnā€™t have included ā€œshort whileā€ in my post :stuck_out_tongue: Takes about 10-15 years of work experience to get to that stage as far as I noticed.
Unfortunately my brain is wired differently so Iā€™ll need to find another method of getting a pool to drown myself in!

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Yes, that too. :slight_smile:

Though your comment did make me think of something: last week, Chris and I visited a software engineer friend at her office. In her office campus was a bakery, open every day from 11am to 4pm. All the elegant, beautiful pastries were free to the employees. The following thought burst into my brain: we live in a world where, if you work hard enough at something very specific and get kind of lucky, you might eventually be able to eat all the free sweets you want. Iā€™m still not sure what to do with this insight. Maybe share it back in time with my 8-year-old self?


That just reminded me of the movie ā€œThe Internshipā€ :smiley:

Well if weā€™re gonna be literal, then I wouldnā€™t mind working next to a game shop :stuck_out_tongue:

But it is true, most people who work hard eventually get to success. With some luck, that success amplifies and then you have enough money to buy a random house if you feel like it.

No, not that companyā€“the other oneā€¦


Ah, our very own @system - all hail the giver of life!

Once again, I really have no idea how Owen didnā€™t win any sort of award for his portrayal of you. Absolutely perfect.

Iā€™m pursuing the wrong dream.

weeps silently


thankfully, for those of us who never matured beyond 8, we can skip the whole time travel/paradox thing, and just be envious ā€¦ as we pay for each and every evil (and yet so delicious) pastry ā€¦


I wanted to make a funny comment, so I did a quick google, hoping that the games you helped ā€˜createā€™ (in such a small way I donā€™t even know why you were there) were complete failures to serve as the base for this joke; unfortunately it appears they were both rather well received.

Edit: Our digital footprints are scary. Itā€™s quite terrifying to think that everything we do online is potentially housed somewhere ā€¦ [size=4] NSA, GCHQ [/size]


ooooh, you mean ahem Morrowind? or was it, perhaps ā€¦ Oblivion?

resumes polishing his imaginary awards that he bestowed upon himself for doing absolutely nothing extraordinary


So, whatā€™s baking my brain right now is that Iā€™m reading what I wrote in Owen Wilsonā€™s voice, and it works.

One day I shall wake up, and wonder: am I Owen Wilson dreaming Iā€™m Chris, or am I Chris, portraying Owen Wilson in dream sequence in a Wes Andersen movie?


portraying Wes Anderson, channeling the spirit of Owen Wilson, in a movie directed by Tarantinoā€¦

So you were the leak.

Shame on you, Tim Roth will be round shortly to enact vengeance.

This thread has horribly derailed hasnā€™t it?

problem solvedā€¦ but youā€™ve been warned @not_owen_wilsonā€¦

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This. This is the reason I have a shrine dedicated to you in my bedroom.

Now, whereā€™s Jennifer Aniston these days?

Edit: @SteveAdamo you missed this comment when you merged, now itā€™s out of place and quite frankly Iā€™m not even sure I can look at you anymore.


apologiesā€¦ blame Jobs, as Iā€™m managing this from my ā€œate paint chips as a childā€ phone ā€¦


Jeez, you all act like you were sitting around a table in a bakery which serves free pastries, chatting a bit about life in general and mocking each other.

This is a friendly reminder that you are not able to enjoy free pastries right now.

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There is never a time where free pastries are not there to be enjoyed.

That, is your friendly reminder.


TANSTAFP. I rest my case!

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I just pulled a pie out of the oven. Who wantā€™s pie? :wink: :wine_glass:

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