Stonehearth Action Figure (Prototype)

Great! I was really wanting to see a 3D printed little version of a Stonehearth settler but this is even better! With moveable parts and all…

You dream too small!, Imagine the Cthulu Titan…


i lack imagination indeed the cthulu titan would be cool and less comlicated oh and a little mammoth would be so cuteee…

cough cough now i have to reclaim my manly-ness by wrestling an octopus on a hot air balloon

Carry one…

Are you doing division?

Well, when fighting an Octopus you have to count how many blows an Octopus can do in a minute with its 8 arms so fighting an Octopus requires good mathematical ability…


exactly it was totally not a typo carry on that would be absurd, why am i even bringing it up (like the way you think newf)

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Hi All!

Reply Comments :
Thank you @Vash
@Newf Nice. (I just change a topic name to “Stonehearth Action Figure Prototype” ^ ^v)
@Maeka ^ ^v
@SquareGabe First time I looking the Lego too. But it so big. In how to, magma smith in your hands.
@Relyss Pepe right? It’ really nice. ( 3D printer so expensive I can’t buy. T T )

That looks so cool! I would definitely buy on of these if I had money… they will probably be expensive lol.

Sunday 5 Jan 14 at 5:13 PM (Time to start update topic)

My direction

  1. make it stronger

  2. fix the joints loose and joints position

  3. remake hand

  4. Wait to try plastic and stick with spacial glue. (If shop don’t cheating me, I will get that Tomorrow)

  5. Some type of joints will fix with plastic. And other joints finding the way of prove.

  6. While waiting order send to me…

-----> 1. Gap.
-----> 2. New line.
-----> 3. Gap.
-----> 4. Need to change joint.

Adding (eye socket design)

And see you next weekend. Bye


@LineLiar You can do it by yourself. Cheer!
(Now I don’t have enough power to make for sale. 555)

Oh god… me and making those things. Nope. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sunday 12 Jan 14 at 00:13 AM

  1. ABS plastic not better (1,2,4,5 ABS plastic, 3 epoxy I mad)

It not the size and uneven (Square)

  1. eyes socket (extend ears socket)

new epoxy have different color (same product but i don’t know why.)

And see you next weekend.


Looks awesome! Keep up the good work! :slight_smile:

This… is…


Nice work! :smile:

so much talent in this community… really makes me feel…

well, its probably best if i express my angst is emotionally evocative dance… :dancer: :cry: :baby:

looking awesome @aroiestudio! :smile: im baffled on how this works, but its awesome regardless…

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This is absolutely amazing!

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Sunday 19 Jan 14 at 5:01 PM (small update)

My direction

  1. make it stronger

Doing :
Find resource to make “master prototype” for make the copy with mold.
Mold will make 1 piece object, it stronger than stick with glue.
- with percentage error 0.1mm.
- 90 degree of corner. (right angle)

image 1 - 4 : Try to make a mold with magnetic. (be bad)
image 5 : Use Protractor thick 0.5 mm. (hard to make 2mm. square because it very very small)
image 6 : 2x4x(long) and 2x2x(long) mm. (It’s not bad for me)

Next weekend : Make master prototype finger parts.


Oh my, this is amazing!

Do you do this for a study / job?
Or is this just talent o_o.

(Still really cool!)

Thanks. @DoomPriest.
First, I do for play.

Now, It’s my hobby.

Future, This knowledge maybe make some money to me. haha


I bet some people are willing to buy these. Keep up the good work