I also thought that a painter class would be nice to have. which could make paintings and paint buildings. Because blue wooden roofs by default does not make sense to me .
I was imagining a class, which starts as a brusher which paints buildings with dyes he makes himself. Houses are build in the natural color of the material, like brown for wood, and the brusher paints them in the same way as a builder builds (voxel by voxel). Probably he has a ‘reservoir’ or bucket with dye which can paint say 20 voxels untill it is empty.
The brusher then evolves into a painter which can make paintings.
I wanted to make a seperate post about it, but since you guys brought it up.
This is a picture I made some time ago.
I even started searching how they made paint in the ancients to resemble these (and for satisfying my curiousity ) :
Materials needed for painting:
Wood for stretcher bar made by carpenter
Hemp or cotton for canvas, made by the farmer/weaver.
Lead paint
part of the dyes I found:
Black: Charcoal for black pigment (need wood and gets burned)
Yellow: Yellow ochre found at ochre rocks
Red: Red ochre by heating the yellow ochre. (vaporizes the water and become red) or from plant madder.
Green: Malachite for green pigment found underground (minerals crushed, ground to powder and washed)
Blue: from plant Indigofera tinctoria and woad plant (lower concentration)
Dye is obtained from the processing of the plant’s leaves. They are soaked in water and fermented in order to convert the glycosideindican naturally present in the plant to the blue dye indigotin. The precipitate from the fermented leaf solution is mixed with a strong base such as lye, pressed into cakes, dried, and powdered. The powder is then mixed with various other substances to produce different shades of blue and purple.