Pepe's little voxel & board game corner :]

its just so disheartening when @Pepe can spend probably 5 minutes on something, and have it look remarkably better than my 2 hour efforts… :smiley:

curls up into the fetal position


Cheer up my boy! It’s not how long it takes you, but the quality of the work, and I’m just as excited to see your stuff as Pepe’s!

Over here, I promise it takes more than 5 minutes. :wink:

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@Pepe For the water in your background scene did you paint in the blue and light blues and important as a bitmap or did you color every voxel? 'Cause I feel like that would hurt your hand to switch colors and color blocks of one color, then go in with others.

@Geoffers747 @DAWGaMims yeah it looks indeed a little like an industrial plug… also totally like your ideas of rune stones & sacrificing settlers to pimp up some stuff and buildings! :]

@SteveAdamo @sdee …well to be honest it really only tooks me five minutes to make that stone but i imported the side view pattern as pixel art to QC so i cheated a little! hehe ;D

@SmoovTh great work Roy. pretty wicked guy, the eyes are totally freaking me out! :slight_smile: i really like his antennas but you might lower the voxel count of your model a lot as it won’t fit very well with all the existing stuff in the game with that high “voxel resolution”. it’s like my frog i did a few days ago a little too roundish and too detailed i think. anyway just my 2 cent and keep up the great work.

@GammaGoblinz yay goblinzzz, i def would be mad to do that sir! :slight_smile: this blue ocean is just a voxel layer of the randomly generated landscape function that is available with the pro version of QC.


this is my first go at little old Qubicle please be gentle.

well it looks like the engineer is on the table for Stonehearth.
so I present coal burning boiler level 1 and 2, coal store, wheelbarrow, shovel also mining track assembly’s with coal cart.


@cookedpawn wow amazing assets! really dig the tanks as well, totally looking forward to start building rails and steam powered stuff in the game now! :]

thanks for that complement. :blush:

However your work for example 'Green Knight ’ just the color tones/shading alone is outstanding. I look forward to your mods in game, you have the Qubicle touch. :smiley:

Hi everyone just thought I’d share my first attempt at making a voxel character. It’s still a WIP but I wanted to know what you guys think of it.

So he’s supposed to be an archer / hunter sort of character, he obviously still needs hair and maybe some charcoal here and there (and his bow =P). But the main character is there. As you see on his shoulders and neck he has a sort of gold thing, I was thinking that was because he’d won something and just wanted to show it off =). He’s also got mud on his trousers and shoes because he’s been traversing difficult terrain. Please let me know what you think so I know what to improve on =)

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@frodo010595 i think the model looks great! i like the vest he’s equipped with… if anything, i would suggest making his boots more distinguishable… perhaps he’s wearing soft leather (brown color pallette), to make his travels through the forest more stealthy?

Yes, that seems like a good idea, I’ll try to fix that when I get back to working on him.

Cloud with sword:



I would personally chage the colour of the pommel and guard to either a whitey silver, or a more rusted gold colour.

@AndyA220789 well done my friend… well done! he looks like a perfect FF cousing to the SH models… i agree with @Geoffers747 on the pommel… perhaps something “shiney”? unless thats a fairly accurate depiction of Cloud’s sword, in which case, i’ll shut my yapper… :stuck_out_tongue:

@AndyA220789 personally i would make the hair a little bit more 3D encompassing his entire heard rather than having a shaped board stapled to the front of his head XD but otherwise it’s a great model

yay! sorry for my radio-silence voxel wise, my baby daughter was sick and there was almost no time grab some voxels and working on new stuff. toninght was finally a more or less quiet night and i had great fun with QC again. totally wanted to work on some furnitures so my first idea was to create stuff for a tavern, so the little settlers can have a drink or two when they are not hard working :]

these chairs and tables still need a bit tweaking and i have some nice ideas for more parts, but to call it a night i wanted to render a little scene first. i did export the parts form QC and imported them into Max 3DS. never worked with a render software before so after two hours of try & error i got something like this…for my first “real” rendering i think it’s pretty neat… still so much to learn on lightning here… not to speak of animating…pffft >___< anyway i hope you like my tavern so far & stay tuned!

if u want to see all the shading and details, here’s the large rendering ->


my good grief @Pepe … its really quite difficult to express just how impressive your work is… you are absolutely blowing me away with your variety, attention to detail, and volume of work!

looks for the subscribe button


Omg… That 3Ds Max render is SO cooool! Nicely done Pepe!

Do you have a Deviant Art account or something cause there is no subscribe button here.

If anyone gets hired on by Radiant, I hope it’s you and Raj and Geoffers. I mean, my god man!! Fantastic!!!