Pepe's little voxel & board game corner :]

yay! sorry for my radio-silence voxel wise, my baby daughter was sick and there was almost no time grab some voxels and working on new stuff. toninght was finally a more or less quiet night and i had great fun with QC again. totally wanted to work on some furnitures so my first idea was to create stuff for a tavern, so the little settlers can have a drink or two when they are not hard working :]

these chairs and tables still need a bit tweaking and i have some nice ideas for more parts, but to call it a night i wanted to render a little scene first. i did export the parts form QC and imported them into Max 3DS. never worked with a render software before so after two hours of try & error i got something like this…for my first “real” rendering i think it’s pretty neat… still so much to learn on lightning here… not to speak of animating…pffft >___< anyway i hope you like my tavern so far & stay tuned!

if u want to see all the shading and details, here’s the large rendering ->