Music and Soundtrack

Thank you very much! I think he sent the track to Radiant and sent me the link to proof-hear it but it isn’t public yet. I can’t imagine he’ll be mad that I’ve posted it but I’m not going to mention it yet :sweat_smile:

Well we had this idea to make the music customizable and evolving with the game so you would pick one of a few tracks that you prefer and it would be simple and would change based on time of day. Then, as your city got bigger, it would gain more layers and build up to match your progress. As well as battle music, we were thinking after the battles, different music would play based on how it went. Quick victory on invasions would play triumphant music while a lot of deaths and loss in resources would play a sadder but slowly inspiring ‘recovery music’! Plus music would fade out when you went to go check on your adventurers so they would have their own little soundtrack.

I really hope the music is given a big focus too. Like Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy, music was always a big part of those early games for me! :slight_smile: