How to get started with Warhammer 40K?

Thanks guys for being so helpful!!!

Also @Silas

Hate to hit you with another question but does this mean I need 2 space marine figures and 2 space wolf figures or what classifies as a “unit”

EDIT: Can’t find a codex for space wolves

Basically two “Squads”

Squad sizes differ for each army and each type of unit. So imagine you’d need A captain, and two 5-10 man squads that count as Troops (Your basic soldiers)

Ok, Is there a certain amount of squads you need to have a battle or are there any troop requirements?

Also do I need a Codex for my army or will the rule book cover all of it? (That stuff is expensive!!!)

Well, when you get the rules, it will explain everything. The HQ +2 Troops is what a normal game requires, but there are exceptions. I just don’t remember them.

And yes, you will need a Codex (Army Book) for your army and any allies.

Ebay is your friend for cheaper stuff (Most the time), just make sure you google the information on the newest edition of things before buying. :smile:

Bugger… I can’t find a Space Wolves Codex though, Does the Space Marine Codex cover them as well or something?

Should I get the Siege Codex? And for a starting player, what would you suggest for building my first army?

There is a Space Wolves codex I have it^^ maybe you sould find easier in a GW store =P

The Space Marine doesn’t cover all the Space Wolves units and their stories.

I just need the rules. So I can play.

Here is where you are not understanding, you need at least the rules, and a codex for your army. There is no way to play without a copy of both.
Edit: there are lots of ways to find a copy of each, wink wink.

Look at this, It appears to be a starter kit. Thoughts?

(The original total was around 100 euro)

Yea its good but make sure to get the new one or it will come with last editions rule book and be useless. Also the armies in there are around 700 points each adn 1500 to 2000 is standard so you will ahve to drop another $100-200 to get enough, but its a good start. Also you will need some paints and brushes with this set to get the minis painted.

Is there places where you can send off your figures to get them painted for you? I feel that is probably a service.

Shouldn’t need more than about a dozen D6. Any other dice (D4, D20 etc) are practically unused last time I checked in 40K.

Pretty much. See the rulebooks for the details, but for now, concentrate on that HQ + 2x Troops.

In terms of weapons, it’s best to make the squad look like it does in the rules. For a standard Tactical squad, that means a sergeant with chainsword & bolt pistol (or boltgun), and up to 9 regular marines with boltguns.

For wargear like grenades or scanners, my rule is to add them (or not) as you want, and just handwave them away if you don’t want them in-game (fun beats rules lawyering remember).

For aesthetic stuff like which specific shoulder plates to use etc, anything goes. However, most armies in 40K tend to have their squad leaders show off a bit, and space marines are very big on heraldry and trophies, so you should factor that into your modelling. So, maybe you want to give your special weapons guy the cool shoulder pads instead of the sergeant because you’ve got a little backstory for him - nothing wrong there.

Finally, don’t forget that space marines are meant to number their squads on their shoulderpads, so you may not want to cover up both with fur or w/e on a model.

Sometimes people do have a “WYSIWYG” (what you see is what you get) rule, and will say “hey, your sergeant has an auspex on his model, so you MUST pay for it out of your army points total”, because unscrupulous players can then skip paying for it, then announce they’ll use it on turn 2. Personally, I avoid that kind of thing and just play honestly, and if you want to give your sergeant’s model an auspex but not use it in-game, go ahead.

Yes. Rank & file soldiers tend to get very limited weapon load-outs, though they often have alternate weapons (eg one marine can swap the boltgun for a meltagun or plasma gun in a Tactical squad). Independent and special characters are where the fun gear is usually found, but again they have limits (if nothing else, you can’t give a guy 10 lascannons then say he fires them all in one turn :smiley: ).

Yeah, Games Workshop is a business after all - if you want your Space Wolves to massacre an Imperial Guard regiment they won’t stop you. If you really want a fluff explanation, maybe the Guardsmen have been corrupted by Chaos, or rebelled, or stolen the Sacred Beer Stein of Russ from your Space Wolves or something… whatever :smiley: .

What else… frankly, most of the questions will be answered if you have a copy of the rules. Whilst it was said earlier that new rules are coming out soon-ish, you can probably* find a copy of the current ones… somewhere… if you really need to look.

Failing that, just find a Games Workshop store nearby, and go wander in. The staff are all hobbyists, always happy to help and such, and often run events to get people into the game etc (not to mention have the rulebooks on the shelves so you can just pick them up & leaf through them).


Yup there is, not sure if people in the GW shops themselves offer such a thing but you can definitely sort it all out online - mind you, it’s not going to be cheap … especially if you want them done to a high standard.

I personally didn’t play Warhammer, just tended to collect the models and paint them. It was definitely rewarding, an expensive hobby, but rewarding nonetheless.

Thanks @Teleros. Problem is the games workshop store nearby is more of an independent place and I went there today, turns out they didn’t have much. There is a GW shop in town but that is an hour’s drive from my house and around 40 minutes by train so I am not sure whether I will be able to go into town.

(There a bunch of tools and stuff, What are they for? and do I need them?)

I think I got everything I need,

Any opinions? (Keep in mind this is just to get me started)

The cutters are for getting your units out of the kits they come in … struggling to find the words,

They’ll basically come like this:

The marines are usually pretty easy to get out just by twisting/ rotating, but then you need to sand the nodules down - pick up some filers if you can, just a cheap set, a set of 2 or 3 different shapes to get different things, a flat filer and a round filer should be good enough.

Also, I’m pretty sure I had a GW book detailing how to paint the specific faction I had (Blood Angels) or it might have just been a generic Space Marines book - if you’re gonna paint yourself read up on it a bit first. Ultimately though all you can do is practice.

I’m not sure what the conversion from Euros to Pounds is, but I think you could probably pick up individual paints cheaper - if you’re going with a specific faction you won’t need every colour going. Start with the faction colours, and generic silver/ gold etc. for metal and skin and material bits.

Honestly, I think you could probably pick most stuff up online, more than likely cheaper than in the store, and with the convenience of not having to go in - although there’s something about being able to see first hand what it is you’re getting.

Edit: @Newf this seems like a perfect little read on how to paint the Dark Angels, it’s about the kit you’re looking to buy as well:

Also check out this one:

Man, you’re really making me wanna start painting again … I so cannot afford this.

Double edit: Your first models will not look like those at all, it’s all practice, don’t feel disheartened! Also pick up some primer, the guy in that guide says the specific colours, just a standard black/ white one if you’re unsure - it doesn’t have to be the GW stuff.

@Newf thats a good start. Ask at your local about games nights and if anyone would be willing to help a newbie, chances are they will. IMO locals are better then the GW stores, less sales pitch and if you want to use cheaper SF minis from other manufacturers you can.

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Thanks @Wombat85 @Silas @Teleros @Didis and @Geoffers747 for all the help!!! Hopefully I am on the way to becoming a player for a good few years and maybe, just maybe, if Stonehearth gets massive and has it’s own convention like minecraft ,we might all meet up at StoneCon (Or whatever they might call it) and play together! (I know, fat chance right? but who knows, maybe it might happen?)


No worries, GW stuff does tend to be on the expensive side, I haven’t paid any attention to warhammer for a good 6 or 7 years so a lot has probably changed, but just after a quick google I’ve seen people recommend other paints such as Vallejo and P3 - it’s a difficult thing as there’s so much choice, and you have so many layers, especially if you want to get really technical with your paints.

To start I’d say if you’re not worried about money then pick up that starter set of paint. If you wanna save then look at picking up the pots individually and then just getting a cheap cutter and filing set from a tool store or something, you don’t need GW branded tools or anything, simple stuff will do the job.

Here’s a pretty good beginner guide that covers standard tips: Painting Models - Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum

You’ll definitely want a primer you don’t need to get the expensive GW one, just a cheap alternative (not too cheap) will suffice people seem to be recommending Krylon, if you have a hobbycraft or something nearby perhaps try in there. You’ll obviously need the paints you want, a varnish, a set of files, paintbrushes, make sure to pick up a couple of fine detail brushes, and a magnifying glass type thing that either holds the models itself, or is attached to your head, will work wonders. I mean something like:

The reason I don’t think that GW starter kit is any good is due to the paints. If you know what you’re getting (the dark vengeance kit) you can then figure out what paints you want by figuring out your colour scheme. One of those blogs I linked you tells you the paints he uses, and that kit has none of them in, so you might end up with a set of paints that aren’t quite what you need or want, especially if you decide to follow a guide that someone posts.

Edit: These are the paints that GW have grouped together for Dark Angels, pretty much an official colour scheme if you like - none of which are in that starter kit you linked - you see what I mean about perhaps just buying these pots individually?

No problem! Enjoy blowing other people’s little plastic men up with your own!

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I needed one of those! Dammit, hopefully my dad will have one as a tool or some family relation will…all family is good for in my honest opinion… Also that seems like a lot of stuff @Geoffers747 looks like I am going to have to break open the secret place where I hide all my money from @SteveAdamo’s kickstarter projects!