Health Care (Classes) / Disease and plagues

Then that begs the question, What isn’t a mod? There’s got to be a non mod component if you go down deep enough but what is it?

excellent question… and similar to one i posed in one of the older live streams:

Given that you plan to abstract some of the low level lua programming will those who are interested be able to deep dive for more power? - Livestream - 3:08:00

“Yes! The modding tools you are getting are literally the tools we used to make the entire game. So if you want to go in, and I mean like really go in, and make something super complicated and extensive, like a total conversion where people are settling on the moon and you have to build moon buggies and spacesuits and you have to mine gas, you can. It’s going to be a ton of work but you can do it … Now there is a tiny bit of difference; you won’t have access to the engine source, but the engine is as small as we can possible make it. It handles tasks like rendering to the screen, handling keystrokes and mouse input, and pathfinding. However we give you access to the pathfinder in Lua. You could say here’s this piece of wood now make a path to it.”

So are you suggesting that instead of each unit in game having a base value which it immediately adds to the overall disease level that instead units will contribute to it over time through the activities they do. For example you start with some villagers and the disease level is zero but over time the disease level slowly increases because they are producing waste, until it gets to a point where some villagers start getting ill because nothing is being done, maybe the player can even see waste building up in the town, so to prevent this the player puts down a some sort of waste disposal building and then the disease level starts to slowly drop until the town is healthy again, that is until the town gets bigger and more waste is produced and better sanitary buildings are needed. If this is the case then I think this would be a better idea slightly different and more complex but more realistic and adds more depth.

Also are you suggesting that this be monitored on a city wide scale or down to tracking each units individual health risk based on what activities it does. So if a unit spent a lot of time near wild animals or near waste it would be more at risk to disease, as this would be a little more tricky but still doable I imagine.

Its time like these that I really wish we had access to even a bit of the game to try stuff like this out even if it was on a small scale, December cant come soon enough.

Yes, I’m suggesting that things like trash and general waste gradually accumulate over time. For example, in construction zones there is always some kind of waste in the form of bits of boards or bricks that are cut off in order to fit them into the building, dropped nails, broken glass, and other general debris. Eventually somebody needs to clean that mess up (which would likely be done by the construction crew of the building itself). If, on the other hand, you needed to “rush” some construction, that debris might remain… but cause disease.

The same could apply to other professions in terms of where there will be some sort of need for cleanup. For the most part it would be a normal part of the task and wouldn’t even be noticed, but for brand new villages without infrastructure it could be a problem. A butcher who is simply tossing the carcass of the animals they are carving for meat onto the street will most certainly cause disease and attract scavenger animals too (some that aren’t so nice to villagers either).

The trick here is to decide the modeling for how a particular villager might get sick. All of these “disease vectors” could be accumulated and a random villager could simply be made sick if that trash isn’t dealt with, or it could be that a villager who sleeps or works near these “diseased areas” might become sick as well. That would work equally as well for things like a swamp or perhaps an open cesspool that might be full of mosquitoes that can get that villager sick. In a situation like that, the more “filth” in one spot might also increase the “radius” where villagers might be impacted too.

Also think of what a village would be like in a war situation, where the village is trashed and burnt down. Companions to war include plague and pestilence, in other words disease. In that situation, even if the buildings aren’t necessarily destroyed, cleanup would be a major task for the villagers to complete after a destructive raid.

one quick thing to be aware of (might have been mentioned previously), if units get “sick” or infected, etc., there should be some sort of notification to the player…

it would be more frustrating than fun if you have random units dropping like flies, and had no advanced knowledge of an illness, and no time to try and address it… :smile:


Has there actually been a healer class announced at all?
How are my guys ment to heal during battle or during the day ( apart from sleeping or eating )

yes it has been announced that you can upgrade a herbalist to be a medic

Is there any announcement as to how it will work though

Can he also fight?
What will he do if I just leaving him milling about town?
Is there some form of revival system?

@Rybilton So far we have very little knowledge about the available classes and even less knowledge about how they will be working. We know so far that classes can level-up and probably gain the ability to use more advanced items / skills. But that’s pretty it :disappointed:. It was confirmed that there will be a revival system in place. But again… little knowledge about details.

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As @voxel_pirate has said above, we know, judging by this picture, that there will be some sort of medic unit (Physician)

We also know that you will have the usual archetypes of combat unit - the tank, the healer, etc.

In response to your other questions, as @voxel_pirate has pointed out above, these are things we have very little knowledge about right now :frowning:

Well, he will run through the idle animations I would presume, until there is a job for him to do! So, whether that be heal units, create healing supplies etc. we’ll just have to wait and see!

There has been discussions regarding revival of units, and this potentially could feed into the zombie apocalypse endgame, where your revival has failed and the unit has risen as a zombie, I’m sure you can guess the rest. Obviously this is all conjecture at the moment so we’ll have to wait and see!


:,( this class picture always brings more questions thank answers

Before I go off post 10,000 threads about it is there any you can suggest?

Sure! 3 things…

… and finally the famous search-feature :wink:.

P.S. Someone is getting old… and it is not me @Geoffers747 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.


Indeed it does! We have a very large shed filled with unanswered questions that Radiant open now and again and tease us with possibilities … but we love them.

It really depends what you’re after. The search button (top right, the magnifying glass) is a really great tool, and surprisingly very effective.

Failing that, go to category view (click the button in between the magnifying glass and your profile picture) to get an overview of each category or to explore them in a more traditional forum view.

Two you might want to check out, are the Q & A thread over here

and the announced features thread (a more concise version of the Q & A) here:

dont underestimate power of google :smile:

@Rybilton Maybe you can find more information at the Stonehearth school. So far there are 2 known classes.
Wilderness First Responder and the Wilderness Emergency Medical Technician
stonehearth school :black_joker:

seemed like the right place to merge this thread, and there has already been some great feedback… :+1:

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Stonehearth: Let thar be plagues! So, here’s my suggestion: a form of medieval warfare to be added to the game. Anyhow, let us get to my suggestion. First, we would implement plagues in Stonehearth. This would function so that if Mer contracts the plague, then Illyown, if he has been near Mer, would have a chance of contracting it. Upon contracting the plague, Illyown would get progressively slower and his skin greener until, he DIES BWHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Okay, so this naturally begs the question: Swift_Cube, what about plague carrying vectors? Well, of course! I say that all mammals in the game (besides Titans) have a possibility of contracting the plague! Of course, sheep and cows would be vectors: one cow could possibly get sick and then the person tending to the cow has a probability of getting infected. Also, you could launch the diseased corpses of cows, sheep, and Mer into an enemy town or at goblins.

So, this leads into the next phase of my suggestion: Okay Swift_Cube, if the plague enters my town, I’ll be helpless to stop it! You’re a douche! Incorrect! I have a way to solve the problem and I am not a douche! You would use the Physician to cure people and animals infected with the plague. First, you’d click the Physician, then, click the people or animals you want to cure. the Physician then cures them, and after being cured they have better immunity. Also, the Physician can’t be infected.

One last thing: what starts the plague, anyway? Well, rats, of course! This new mob will be a pest. It would eat your crops, consume your granaries, and spread plague. Only Trappers can catch these annoying mobs, and rats would be where the plague began.

So, let’s look at the balancing of my suggestion:

Pro: You gain a powerful new weapon: Dead bodies being flung over the walls of your enemy cities, increasing infection chance an decreasing the city’s population! :smiley:

Con: Plague can potentially devastate your own town. :frowning:

Also, @naturalnuke was the inspiration for this thread. Thanks! :smile:

merged this here, and tweaked the title for the broader range of ideas…

While you may have felt that it was nessisary to merge my thread into this one, I feel differently and beg you to reconsider. There is little similarity between his suggestion and mine, his was to expand on the healthcare area of character progression, and my suggestion was to expand on plagues. Also, let’s be honest, this thread is long past its prime. By merging my thread with this one, you have insured that my thread will not get the attention and discussion that it deserves. However, if you still feel it nessisary to merge my thread, asyou are the forum moderator, I will respect that decision.


I strongly agree. -me

i appreciate your well thought out response to the merge… and i agree with your assessment…

i’ve reopened your thread… :+1:

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