Eco - Minecraft for Education xD

MmHmm, Diplomacy = Dad trumps all the votes (until mommy enters) and Kid’s get to listen… Right? What?! I can dream can’t I?

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Who’s all backing this? I’m about to place in a $35 back for alpha access. I hope to play with some of you when it hits in (possibly) october. :smile:

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i want to, but i cant :confused:

[quote=“Avairian, post:75, topic:10725”]
I’m about to place in a $35 back for alpha access.
[/quote]i’d do the same if i could, alpha access is fun to me :smile:

[quote=“Avairian, post:75, topic:10725”]
I hope to play with some of you when it hits in (possibly) october.
[/quote]well if i magically am able to back this, i would gladly play with you. :smile:


My (Let’s just call it colleagues) colleagues don’t trust things like Kickstarter, so sadly, I’ll have to wait until full release :unamused:
If I do get alpha, I’ll play with you! Zilla for President!


In spite of my criticism toward the game, I may actually be interested in playing it. We’ll see.


there you go @Wiese2007, sorry bout the derailment :grimacing:


thank you very much :smiley:

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Eco - off topic discussion

In case you’ve missed it, they’ve updated their stretch goals. 200k would now be the criminal/PvP system. Short: There would be an option that would change the behaviour of laws. Instead of being enforced by the server (“You’ve reached the limit, you can’t chop down any more trees”), it would now be possible to break these laws. However, players may find out about it (by investigating or catching you red-handed). If they do, they can share this knowledge with others and in the end find and capture you. Depending on the severity (each law can have different severities), you either have to pay a fine, spend a certain amount in jail (RL-time), or you’re executed. That would mean there’s a police force, driven by players, that would run around and keep the server “safe”.

In other news, I’ve got access to the developer forums now and I’m really amazed! There’s all kind of people, there’s biologists, architects, electro engineers, all kind of programmers and administrators, professional software testers… It looks like a really great mix of people with various talents from around the world. The developers are quite present and interact with the community (answering questions and asking for input regarding the tools that will be used).

Also, I’ve got some news regarding those who can’t back right now: According to John in these forums, the campaign is “continued” after the Kickstarter is over, so it should be possible to upgrade pledges or buy those things later. However, it will be more expensive than right now. So if you are unsure about it, or don’t know whether it’s worth it right now, you can wait a while, but will probably have to pay more.


Eco has just hit over $150,000!
Land ownership is here!


New Kickstarter Update!

Really interesting this time: A video where they show the irrigation and pollution system at work:

Basically, water “seeps” through blocks and irrigates them that way. Blocks can accept different amounts of water, stone won’t accept any, while dirt/sand likely accept a lot. This water spreads in all three dimensions, to it’s possible to irrigate your farms with underground canals.

Pollution works the same way: Rain will cause it to spread outwards. If it hits a water source, it will contaminate the water and spread even further. In order to get minerals, you will need to process the ores - but only a small part of the ore can actually be used (there’s talk of 10-20% right now). The majority is waste that just piles up outside the building. If it isn’t moved to a containment facility (for example underground, surrounded by stone, a dry area etc.) the waste will slowly but surely taint the surrounding area.

Contaminated land will cause vegetation on it (plants, trees?) to wither and die. However, it’s not lost as nature will slowly purify and reclaim its land.

I really like the idea of having “storage facilities”. Especially with the stretch mark about owning land, it seems like one could probably make a living by offering secure storage for waste deposit. The irrigation and pollution system seems pretty nice too - instead of having waste just “spread” out, there’s a natural trigger for it (namely, rain) and it’s possible to contain it by building proper storage for it. So it’s not like a building will necessarily pollute everything around it, it’s actually the player’s responsibility to keep it clean.


At this rate, we’re not going to be getting the Criminal Justice System stretch goal…

One of the issues (imo) is they should have doubled or tripled the 30$ tier (currently locked out), and allowed the alpha key at 20-25$. I think ppl would be more willing to pledge if they lowered the access, and they knew they would be able too gain access (in some form) to the game right away.

In the end I think they will release the Criminal system down the road (if they truly want to make it like they want). It’s already going to be on steam eventually, so they will get another infusion of money that way also.

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The problem is that especially during the early stages of development, you don’t want many people to participate. The more people there are, the more noise there is (i.e. the more effort for support is required). By raising the prices, they can get only those people into the Alpha who are truly interested in supporting the game, rather than every casual player that might drop in every few weeks to complain about a common bug.

According to the kicktraq trends, it was never really going to hit $200k I’m afraid. However, the campaign is continued after the KS, with most pledges available for a higher price. Whether this will continue to increase the stretch goals I can’t say at the moment. I’ll make sure to bring it up when I see them the next time though!


I get what your saying, and agree to a point. Not everybody wants or needs to be part of those intricate discussions. As a backer, Sometimes It’s just nice to use the product and see how it is coming along after every update. I actually have no issues if I was unable too give input at my tier lvl, But I do want the access to use it and see how it is evolving (Just make a pw only discussion section).

It actually happens with a few games in development (that I know of). You have a public board and a private board, If at anytime you want to get a bigger outside perspective you use the public side.

That’s what here’s planned too. There’s the public forum (which currently is a bit spammed, but they’re working on it) and then there’s the developer forum for those who backed $125+.

In other news, update!

Food and stuff. Looks like it will require a bit more than just eating some stuff… a balanced diet is the key to success. Also, learning skills while sleeping. Sounds a bit like EVE, but I’ve never really played it soo…


Dang, Eco just made $7,000 today. Maybe we do have a chance at $200,000…


It is not totally unreasonable to earn a 5th of the money during the last 3 days it happens from time to time.


Eco is at $193,000, with only 9 hours left :cold_sweat:

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Meh 7.000$ during the last 9 hours? you got your stretch goal my friend.