Class suggestions

You were just using me for your own ploy! D’=


I absolutely agree with the fisherman of some sort, and I agree it could fall into the trapper category quite nicely… if a trapping zone falls over a body of water, the trapper can throw nets in there or something similar.

Though i think a separate fisherman upgrade/class would work just as well. And is GREAT for a passive food/material source.


What, you don’t want to see the Trapper dive into the water with his knife, hurling traps at the fish swimming by?

We’re passing up a chance for the Trapper class to be awesome, here…


So how about a class that uses magic and melee!

Class: Paladin
Weapon: 2h Sword/Mace or 1h Sword/Mace and Shield.
Desc: You guys pretty much know what a Paladin is! Magic to exterminate the Goblin horde and heal allies!

How about another Magic Melee!

Class: Shaman
Weapon: 2x 1h Mace or 1h and Shield
Desc: Will use his powers to imbue his weapons and the weapons of his allies to eliminate the pesky Goblins!

So how about the Goblins and/or Potential enemies? Don’t they get something nice!

Class: Giant
Weapon: 2h Mace
Desc: This special breed of Goblin was created by mistake by the Goblin “Scientist” This Giant Goblin is very strong, but slow making him weak to long range attacks, but if he gets close to your defense! Say bye bye!!

More for Goblins :smiley: Because a little challenge is always fun! and keeps you on your toes!

Class: Suicide Goblin (Can’t think of another name :stuck_out_tongue: )
Weapon: Crude Bomb
Desc: This little goblin is a menace to your defense and troops! Best killed by long range attacks, but if you are lucky this Crude Bomb could detonate prematurely killing his own Goblins!

Class: Berseker Goblin
Weapon: 1h Mace/Sword/Axe
Desc: Berserker Goblins are weak, but move very fast and attack fast! They will target the weakest hearthling!

and 1 more class for the Goblins

Class: Axe Thrower Goblin
Weapon: Crude throwing Axes
Desc: Just like the Archers this little guy will lob Crude Axes at your troops and Defense to try and destroy them! Wearing just cloth armour he is very weak, but can throw them little axes fast with good accuracy!

Tell me what you think :smiley:


This sounds amazing! It would be an interesting unit to throw at your town. =)


I am now imagining this in the cutesy, voxelized world of Stonehearth.


lol please don’t bring creepers from minecraft into stonehearth :wink:

execellent idea you could set zones… well to be prepared to know where to shoot silly :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I couldn’t really think on other things than this:

Night goblin fanatics, they throw them self into battle while whirling around them self constantly if anybody gets hit, they die.


Like this?


Hello guys, i was thinking about the forester and i didn’t see it here; so here’s my idea:

Class: Forester
Weapon: maybee a shovel or a seed bag
Desc: basically he plant new tree to harvest, with some experience he could plant some rare tree to make your city more attractive


I could see this working, but I think this may just intertwine with the farmer a bit. Maybe the farmer can have a tree planting ability kind of like orchards and stuff.


Oh yeah just like that! Maybe like the top middle with the spiky helmet! That’s how I imagined them :stuck_out_tongue:

How about: Bard/Minstrel

Weapon/item: Harp/Lute/Drum/Pan Flute

Combat: performs melodies that temporarily enhances max health/quickness/crit chance etc,.(randomly).
Will not actively engage close combat (pure support type), will maintain a certain distance away from the action allowing others to engage. If caught alone will run towards nearest ally.

Non-Combat: will perform music periodically (every other game day or so) for your settlement (maybe have to build a stage for them) randomly increases crafters/workers production/movement speed/happiness…

Maybe can only get one when a Hearthling reaches the required spirit/mind level/settlement gets to a certain level/carpenter reaches the required level to start crafting musical instruments (hmm or a combo of all?).

Maybe can carry each instrument and will change which it plays and a corresponding tune (would prefer a full length instrumental - which would lead into modding your own songs into the game :slight_smile: ) so as to not get repetitive.


Guess this is a good place to post this up again.

You’re right the farmer could do that. But in my opinion this is not the same job, and the farmer already have a lot of work to do, at least in my game ^^.
But the farmer could harvest fruit from tree plant by the forester, that suit better to his job.


Maybe–although perhaps a more-inclusive title, like “Botanist”, might give the class more purpose and functionality.

I could see the Farmer growing tree farms (think Christmas trees), which would be a large-scale means to get wood at a slower rate than pure lumberjacking (they’re small, after all)–it might also allow other workers to cut the trees down, but these should be pretty small and the farmer can specifically chop them too. These trees shouldn’t provide much wood, due to their size and rate of growing.

The Forester/Botanist could be in charge of all non-crop growing, such as flowers, rare foliage, and full-size trees. Obviously, there’s some overlap when considering orchards (which might be more Farmer-related in my opinion), but the Forester class could be more for scenic improvements for your settlement, as well as an alternate source of funds than standard crops (i.e., selling rare plants to traders, which are less crops and more exotic trade items). Also, unlike the farmer, trees they plant would be able to grow to their full size as seen in the overworld. These will take longer than tree farms, so it’s not a bad idea to think about what foliage you’d like in an area ahead of time.


Class Name: Chef
Weapon: cooking spoon (made from the Carpenter)
Description: i was thinking about a CHEF class.
that can make food, like pumpkins, turnips, MEAT!! or later straw and flour, into dinners.
maybe a pumpkinstew, or a dinnerplate with friedmeat and turnips, Breed?!?!?! make sausage out of meat.
or later make cheese from milk.

the Idéa is that your people will be more full and happier after eating a dinner instead of only eating a turnip.
or even get a temporary buff of some sort.


Class: Architect
Tool: Ruler / Geometry Thingies
Description: To completely manage the construction of a building. Will be very handy when the settlement becomes so large that you need that helping hand to manage a construction.

Class: Forester
Tool: Spade
Description: Says it all to plant new trees, would be nice to see it water the trees and see them grow.


Or maybe the Architect can let you save building designs? :open_mouth:

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That would save a lot of time from each time building same structure from scratch. :smile: