Alternate forge fuel

I’m wondering if its possible to have an alternate fuel source or maybe 2 forges? I’m only suggesting this as I have started to play the desert and since you cant plant trees and the world is limited in them I find it awkward that the forge requires the metal AND wood to make an ingot when you have an abundance of coal so I was wondering maybe a 2 forge system? a smaller forge that uses wood that can make copper, iron etc. at a slower rate that uses wood but once youre blacksmith is high enough level he can build the bigger forge (the current one we have) that uses coal as a source instead of the wood and clearly makes ingots at a faster pace.


Or make it like in the sandbox games. A single forge, allow interchange between wood and coal, but make the forge require more fuel and time to smelt when using wood.


yeah, hopefully they allow that because i have like 20 logs left and i have over 500 coal with the only use of selling it or maybe using it in some of the minor crafting that needs it.


I created a mod that will do this now. There’s no timing differences that @MelOzone suggested, but you can use wood or coal in the blacksmith furnace.