Alpha 15 on Steam Latest!

It is intended that all of these limits are moddable (I will add modd-ability for crafter queues next unstable release). In fact, the hearthling cap is simply a value in user_settings.json and can be overridden easily. It looks like
"mods" : {
“stonehearth” : {
“max_citizens” : 100

The inventory cap is tuned per population. So you can create a mod and mixin to ascendary_population.json and rayyas_children_population.json the following line:
“inventory_capacity_equation”: “math.max(num_citizens * 150, 1200)”

You can change that equation to whatever you want. It can be if you’d like:
“inventory_capacity_equation”: “1000000”

The point of the limits are to provide a meaningful message to the average player about game expectations. I’m also very excited for implementing more inventory based gameplay because it means we’ll finally have an answer to the age old question of “why bother building things?” Building becomes more powerful when you can’t just keep hording infinite resources to gain networth. This way we can better guide the player to the ultimate goal of the game, which is to go from humble camp to bustling city (and a bustling city needs buildings!).

Thanks for the feedback!