25 June Live Stream: Coding some UI in in HTML and JS

Wait Geoffers is a girl???

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Wait, what?! I am?! How???


ummā€¦ o.O
What now?

Youā€™re confused?! Iā€™m having an identity crisis right now!

if youā€™re not a female, wellā€¦ looks like its back to therapy for meā€¦ :cold_sweat:

as for the second half of the stream, iā€™m going to try and transcribe it at some point todayā€¦ hopefully give @Geoffers747 some time to deal with his ambiguity and confusionā€¦

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@Geoffers747 [quote=ā€œGeoffers747, post:43, topic:1892ā€]
I tried my best,but yet again, it fell extremely short of Steveā€™s astronomically high standards. Whatā€™s a girl to do.

proof that your female, Are you the only female geoffers or is there a secret club or something???

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and now wandering back in the direction of UI and HTML and tools etc. peoples respective genders aside

arrggh so many tools to play with now i have to spend sometime transcribing everything so I can tinker with it

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@TobiasSabathius Agreeā€¦ out of curiosity I was taking a brief look on Ember.jsā€¦ really cool. It seems to be very easy to create dynamic content based on this framework (and Handlebars.js). The only thing I am a bit sceptical about is the performance. Stonehearth will be rather complex at the end of the dayā€¦ hope the selected tools can handle that.

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