“Well this is embarrassing…” I thought while shifting uneasily into a slightly less uncomfortable position on the branch of the tree I climbed on.
A few moments ago I nearly fell off trying to shoot some arrows at the goblins at the foot of the tree, but that was not the reason for my line of thought.
I was – am – not really ready to admit it, but maybe hunting really was not my calling, what kind of hunter misses a pack of goblins sneaking up on him?
Anyway I was in quite a situation now “Hey cut it out” I yell at the goblins, trying to deflect the stones they throw with my boots. This really was silly, I might even die here.
Maybe if I found a way to alert some nearby guards…
out of the corner of my eyes I notice something moving in the distant underbrush and turn my head to look there.
The sight electrifies me, its a human that much I can see “Leave me alone you brutal creatures” I yell ever more loudly, hoping I will be noticed.
Not to attract unwanted attention to my ray of hope I only take hidden looks in the direction and my hopes get a kick in the gut, apparently an unarmed woman is standing there.
I feel a bit more secure in my position now and try to lob another arrow down, there have to be like 20 goblins… I would have to hit fatally with about every single arrow I have, well that one at least pinched a goblins behind and a ruckus starts below.
Unnerved I take a detailed look at the lady, she just seemed to contemplate my situation instead of running to fetch some guards.
Oh! She is doing something now. Did we have a wizard back at the settlement? I did not know, or wait, I heard a rumor. Anyway she is waving around some glowy staff thingy, making all sorts of circle movements.
This is not good she will make much too much noise.
I turn back to provide a better distraction, but some goblins I see already taking looks at the direction I was staring at “Confound it” I yell loudly “Look at me you beasts – you wanna see how much gold I carry? He I show you!”
But its too late already, a loud crackling and humming is to hear now and a sphere of light built up around the dame. I could yell at a tree and get as much attention as I get from the goblins.
I shoot three more arrows down and score minor hits, but the goblins move off undisturbed. “This is silly” I mutter while I start climbing down the tree, loudly I yell "Lady be quick whatever you do, they are coming after you!"
Well I am no hero by any means, but something had to be done, of the three goblins that remained to “guard” me I jump down on two, knocking them out by landing hard on them.
The remaining one I manage to knock out with my fist, which frankly quite surprises me.
As I run towards the direction of the lady in danger I hear much louder crackling than before and some goblins yelling, but then my blood freezes. The rumors were true, a shape that must be a good 3 to 4 meters large takes shape, while ever quicker the earth around it solidifies.
I hold my breath and when the head – if one could call it that – took shape a deep blue glow lightens up in the place of the eye sockets.
Now I run quicker, not to miss the show, its something I really want to see, for my foul part of character did build up quite a grudge.
Its all I could hope for and more, the golem picked up a small tree and two goblins fly past me as I finally arrive at the scene and it just sweeps away another 5 with one swishing movement.
The geomancer is surrounded by another 5 goblins though, well 4 now as one took a bad knock on the head from her staff.
While I get closer she manages to knock down two more, but the remaining two got hold of her staff.
I strike one down, which allows her to take care of the last one.
“Thank you!” I say – losing no time we set off in the direction of the settlement.
This whole event left me on a high and I cannot help to notice her striking beauty, long curly dark brown hair. A dress with blue and green colors.
And I could lose myself in those green eyes!
Even the golem behind us does not scare me a bit right now.
“Hey, I am Peter by the way, what’s your name? Would you maybe like to get a drink later?” Oh man, real smooth.
I feel the arms of the golem heaving me up, just so he puts me 5 meters above ground on a tree branch, then quickly removes the lower branches.
Smiling from down below the lady says “I am Kayla and – I’ll think about drinks, if you get down soon.” Then she and her golem set off.
“Well this is embarrassing…”