What's your personality type?

Stevey!!! You didn’t take the Pokemon Quiz!!! : (

oh dear lord… that must be remedied, post-haste!

edit: it seems i’m a haunter as well… who knew!


I also got INFJ although you’ll have to wait for the exact results …

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Who’d have thunk?! You come in out of nowhere and shut down threads like it’s nobody’s buisness! : D

@Geoffers747… do I even have to say? I’ll stare you down…and eat your soul if you don’t take that pokemon quiz >: (


Well, I tried out the Pokemon quiz, and apparently…

Your very mature and enjoying burying your nose in a book. Your not as social as some of the other pokemon but your just social enough to have a few good friends that your always there for. Your downfall is you would rather pick and read a book over socializing but hey thats your charm. Your the calm and cool type of personality.

This is what I got.

You have a pretty intimidating personality but not to the point of scaring people off. You love to be outside running with all your might! You enjoy sports and you love taking care of your body. You are closest to those that share similar interests as you. You have a few friends that you would never give up for the world and thats a good thing. You also have a positive outlook on life.

I don’t agree. At all. First of all, the main reason it gave me this result is probably because I said my favorite color is red. That has NOTHING to do with your personality, I just like the color because it’s red. I can be rather intimidating in real life though. I don’t run, and I’m not in sports. I find them a waste of time. The parts about friendship are true enough, but I don’t feel the same for them. And I am extremely negative.

I personally like the quiz…not at all because I nabbed charzard or anything of that sort, but if you don’t like your mon, you can just try re-taking the quiz just with different answers

But that means that that pokemon isn’t yours if your changing answers to wrong ones, so what’s the point? :wink:

Not to answers that are completely wrong, just a sort of different option you would take, I know for certain with the “somebody picks a fight with you” question, If I picked “nobody would pick a fight with me” I would get ditto, but when I picked “fight back of course” I got Charzard. Both of these are true for me, nobody would pick a fight with me, but If they did, I’d be time for me to get violent, so they’re both true, just pick different answers that are also true


Ah, I see. The problems with closed questionnaires I suppose (although by that I am not suggesting the fields be open, as you wouldn’t (without enormous amounts of effort) be able to calculate personality automatically using such a process). Fair point though.

I’m always late aren’t I, but here are my results, sorry Pyre - I was just too lazy to take the Poke’mon test after the 72 question survey thingy.

Introvert(22%) iNtuitive(62%) Feeling(12%) Judging(67%)

You have slight preference of Introversion over Extraversion (22%)
You have distinctive preference of Intuition over Sensing (62%)
You have slight preference of Feeling over Thinking (12%)
You have distinctive preference of Judging over Perceiving (67%)

Seems legit… :blush:
Except that Judging thingy, I usually don’t judge people that much…

Don’t worry Valiance! The pokemon quiz only has 6 questions! ; )

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I’m an INFJ- Introvert, iNtuitive, Feeling, Judging. I think it fits me pretty well…

It doesn’t mean judging people, as much as the way you approach a problem or situation.

my pokemon would be a
You prefer to blend into the crowd morphing yourself to fit into that puzzle. You don’t like to stand out. You don’t enjoy being the certain of attention. Your a loner and prefer to hide out in your room. People annoy you. The only time you can really be yourself is when your alone. Open up a little bit more I’m sure people enjoy being around you even if your shy and quiet. I for one find these people the most enjoyable to be around. So show yourself once in a awhile! according to that quiz

Well, in that case it’s 110% accurate! :smile:

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Alrighty then, It says I’m a Ninetails…
Seems Legit…

So does that mean it’s more of a top-down (judging) versus bottom-up (perceiving) approach to figuring something out?

Later: Actually, come to think of it, that’s what “sensing vs. intuition” sounds like as well (but the other way around). I should probably just look it up myself.

Later still: Well, going by the description on Wikipedia, it seems like the sensing vs. intuition is more about the way you approach a situation (based only on current observations – indeed kinda bottom-up – for sensing, vs. based also on previous experience and general understanding of world etc. – indeed kinda top-down – for intuition), and the judging vs. perception is a lot about whether you are more deliberate/plan-oriented (for judging) or more spontaneous/go-with-the-flow (for perception). In which case I would indeed be N and J, quite clearly.

Introvert(56%) Sensing(12%) Feeling(50%) Perceiving(33)%
You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (56%)
You have slight preference of Sensing over Intuition (12%)
You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (50%)
You have moderate preference of Perceiving over Judging (33%)

Your a very sweet and caring person. You often put others before yourself. You love when everyone around you is happy and that also makes you happy. Family and friends are most important to you. Sometimes you can be a bit clingy but people find that cute. Your caring attitude draws people to you.


Time to poke the softy. Get the sticks, kids!