What if Goblins can be captured and used as laborers

      I think it would be cool if at some point you could steal 

the goblins totem to gain their allegiance. This could also be a game
mechanic that allows the upper levels of villains control the goblins.
It could also lead to some interesting quests where maybe an upper level
goblin camp will get smart enough to ask you for help. Goblins could
also have a chance after a certain amount of time to steal the totem
back and go as free agents. It would also be interesting to see goblins
steal each others totems. This would be a way for the goblin camps to
upgrade or merge. So if a lvl 1 camp steals another lvl 1 camp. The
theif camp will upgrade to lvl 2 and the victum camp won’t have the
ability to progress to another level.

TL:DR can we control goblins by stealing their totem/symbol of power

Sorry if that’s a little long

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And then attack your soldiers and take their shoes!

The goblin with the most totems becomes chieftain perhaps?


I think Radiant said they wouldn’t be doing that.