Not absolutely amazing…but I am a bit of dwarf at heart…so for now my humans have to get used to living underground >:D BAHA Gyazo - fc85c5b2a96856dc7fbe7daae79e3867.png on Normal mode too -nodnod-
Gyazo - 8d5006f3500dbe9c6ac57b22b2eca136.png A quaint dining area that I just finished near the entrance of the Mountain
I for one welcome our stonedwarf hearthfortress overlords.
Gyazo - a1076a938aaa2a87f2048f9f9c8709a7.png The Treasure Hall >:D I am so happy they have the mining so stable so I can do this stuff

We see you are now polishing each room and improving acomodations.
This is awesome!
I have built a city considering the same “underground” idea since the “rooms” concept is not suported for normal above-ground building yet. Thus one can easily switch between “layers” by using the ground level filter.
It would be neat to have a Dwarf civilization MOD for this build.
Gyazo - 9829f81d5c0ee86874b2b48d3601ac78.png all of the accommodations are about done…I just need to add some more lights and then they are all finished >:D
Gyazo - 947f0dbdd4ec9c938a512235388531a2.png and a full on picture of my finished product…for now…not quite sure what I want to carve out next…thinking about trying to do an underground aqueduct
Brainstorming …
Are there any rooms for crafting?
What are your plans for those storages at the begging of the mine?
I’m sure you’ll bring us something incredible.
Well the storage rooms are all set up as crafting rooms as well, the crafting benches are in the same rooms, and the storage is set up according to what bench is in the room
Oh Wow this is amazing! I may just have to try this out for myself being TLOTR fanboy I am
Thanks to your wonderful inspiration I have begun my own dwarven city! Long live Silver Forge! @Zoljin
Awesome! glad to have given someone inspiration in building a dwarven city…it’s all we can really do for now until they actually add dwarves to the game -nodnod-