The biggest issues that i am currently having are as follows they are in order of importance as i think if you fix the top few the rest will start to drop off.
After 3 consecutive days the memory leakage gets so severe that i have to save and re-load the game.
after 3-4 such saves and re-loads the workers no longer pick up items from the first few saves and the items are laying out in the world sitting… (string bug fetch item…)
digging back about 50 blocks and setting up a place to stack items makes the workers forget about the rest of the work areas that need attending.
animals not staying in their pen…
goblins show up and not attacking, just standing in world causing latency issues, have to send in a fighter and have them wipe out the camp.
goblins not fighting back
cannot deploy self made houses or any houses as it causes significant memory leak cannot play game past 7th day.
Well for now this about sums up what i have came across. Thank you for your hard work and dedication i look forward to fixes to these issues.
I find that keeping the game in windowed mode is handy. I keep my task manager open in the background with the summary view of my hardware load off to the side. Once my RAM or processor load gets high, I give the game a reboot. Not a fix but it keeps my games running usually well past 6 game months. The more hearthlings you have and them more construction you do, the faster your RAM will fill at this point, but it helps keep the game fun and less frustrating
I have most / all of these issues, though not quite to the same degree. I’m also running the latest development branch build on Steam, 2630, with all options enabled.
I can play the game to about Day 30 if I never go above 12 or so Hearthlings, but it’s paainnfully slow. Haven’t actually tried to build buildings in this dev branch. A lot of my saved building templates don’t work for some reason (they’re kinda old, from Alpha 8 or before). The new AI options do help but they basically let me go from idle bug at 10 hearthlings to idle bug at 13 hearthlings + a week or two of activity. Basically I can finish the goblin campaign with a lot of patience but it isn’t worth it to do more than that. By the time I hit Day 20, even with just 13 hearthlings, it’s stop-start idle bug every few minutes.
Operating System: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.150525-0603)
Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
System Model: H55M-S2H
BIOS: Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG
Processor: Intel® Core™ i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.7GHz
Memory: 8192MB RAM
Available OS Memory: 8156MB RAM
Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti
It may be a single period or an errant code but it needs to be a primary concern. 2650 is still draining away the memory and this is a pain. I really like the start of the game but having to stop and restart constantly because of this one bug is annoying. yes i know i signed up for it buying beta but …
FYI this is not a final consolidation bug it is a really nasty bugger that steals the hearts and souls… well maybe not that bad but you get the pic.
10-23 Still a memory leak somewhere, however it is about 1/3 as it was. Able to get to day 10 w/o massive latency issue. Lua keeps popping up as an issue, thats all it says lua over run