Testing out what it's like to mod, any tips? | Weapons Refined

Hey do you guys know if it’s possible to have 2 buffs inside one?

why wouldnt it?
its then just one buff with two effects.?

So I tried that, however the errors are duplication errors.

“type”: “buff”,
“duration”: “1m”,
“script”: “stonehearth:buff_scripts:add_health”,
“effect”: “stonehearth:effects:heal_aura_effect”,
“persistent”: false,
“invisible_to_player”: true,
“health_change”: 7,
“type”: “buff”,
“axis”: “buff”,
“display_name”: “i18n(snorrlaxzs_mod.data.buffs.buff_of_light.display_name)”,
“description”: “i18n(snorrlaxzs_mod.data.buffs.buff_of_light.description)”,
“icon”: “file(cleric_buff_raise_muscle.png)”,
“script”: “stonehearth:buff_scripts:aura”,
“script_info”: {
“pulse”: “10m”,
“aura_buff”: “stonehearth:buffs:cleric:minor_muscle_aura_effect”,
“radius”: 20,
“pulse_immediately”: true,
“target_type”: “mob”

I tried to “split” them with brackets, but that didn’t work out either :sweat_smile:

I think I figured it out :thinking:

“type”: “buff”,
“axis”: “buff”,
“display_name”: “i18n(snorrlaxzs_mod:data.buffs.buff_of_light.display_name)”,
“description”: “i18n(snorrlaxzs_mod:data.buffs.buff_of_light.description)”,
“icon”: “file(cleric_buff_raise_muscle.png)”,
“duration”: “1m”,
“health_change”: 7
“script_info”: {
“pulse”: “10m”,
“aura_buff”: “stonehearth:buffs:cleric:minor_muscle_aura_effect”,
“radius”: 20,
“pulse_immediately”: true,
“target_type”: “mob”,
“invisible_to_player”: true,
“effect”: “stonehearth:effects:heal_aura_effect”,
“persistent”: false

Hey again! Does anyone know why my .qb files are just completely black? I’ve exported it from MagicaVoxel through VoxelShop, still black :thinking: