Tales of Stonehearth: People with Swords

I Tried that 3 times. It’s my computer, it’s not loading a lot of the factory standard programs either

OK then.

Anyways, what about audio and music? Are you going to produce the music yourself or are you just going to download some of Kevin’s music?

Here’s Kevin’s website. I’m sure you’ve heard his music a billion times before.

I’m working a show too and I plan on showing it sometime in the future. I’m going to need a lot of help just making one episode. Will tell you guys more when it’s up.

I’m still going to work on ToS. Though I can’t animate all the time, I can use the time I have to make the models,sets, and the story more interesting and detailed. During the time I can also focus on getting the funding I need to make it what I wish this series to be.

That being said I will still animate what I can while I can, I refuse to let my computer hold me from making this project happen in 1 way or another. As far as audio goes, I may look into it. I’ve never been much of a music maker I’m more of a listener but i may give it the old hard try.

From now on though in my spare time, I am hereby on loan to the people who require help with modelling for mods or separate series of other creators. If you’d like to acquire my assistance just ask, but I won’t work on every project I’m asked about I will pick and choose which ones I feel have more dedication :smile:

Until next Update,

If you’re still in need of people to help, I would love to do so. I think you’ve seen my buildings on the server and all that but if you need a picture I’m sure I can whip something up for you :wink:

I raised the saturation level a bit, we can assume the final result would look at least similar. :smile:

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I would suggest using Kevin Macleod’s music, if you are not an audio and music specialist.

Here are a few samples of his music:

Pinball Spring - Kevin Macleod

Merry Go - Kevin Macleod

Call To Adventure - Kevin Macleod

Cipher - Kevin Macleod

Wallpaper - Kevin Macleod

This is inaccurate. to get that result I’d only be raising the contrast level which would have to be applied to the set as well. The overload of bright color would make it to monochromatic, not to mention how much work I’ll be putting into the material properties using node settings and separate material layers.

There is still a lot to be done on that render and the series as a whole in the way of color corrections and style replication. It’s not proper to jump to the conclusion off of a wip image.

Did you using Qubicle to create this?

If yes, how long does it take to create these moments?

.[quote=“Pandemic, post:457, topic:2330”]
It’s not proper to jump to the conclusion off of a wip image.
I wasn’t trying to jump to conclusions, I was just trying to offer a more visually-appealing edit of your original render. After all, I said that it would look “at least similar”. I never claimed that it was exact, or even close to exact. I was trying to help, not to offend you.

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The Models themselves I made in Qubicle Constructor Home Edition, the sets I make in minecraft which i export as an .obj using a 3rd Party program, and the renders,poses, and animations I use Blender.

Each of my recreation models (like the zombies) took about 30-45 minutes after a 15 minutes of image inspection to obtain details. Though the average models takes a little over 45 minutes depending on depth or size.

The renders themselves are very different, the rigging process I use takes about 30 minutes to an hour depending on how much detail I want the model movements to have. Posing is usually another 15-30 minutes, camera positions are about 5-10 minutes, shading and lighting effects take another 30 minutes or so, and the longest render time I’ve done took about 2 hours.

So, from start to finish it roughly takes 4 and half hours give or take.

I want to start my own ‘show’ but I want to wait for the SH version of Qubicle Constructor to come out. But I can’t wait forever. So, I will have to find out if their is going to be a discount or some kind of sale for us.

Once the contests come back you can win a home edition version of Qubicle. That’s how I got mine

It’s also a good idea to get to know the tool before hand, idk if you use free version now so

I use the free version all the time and I enjoy using it.

Tim from qubicle told that he is announcing details this week. So I would advise to wait for that.

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Thanks for the heads up.


Wow, it’s been awhile. Sorry for the lack of updates, my computer is being all miffed and mean. Although I won’t be giving updates on Animation or renders, now the the Alpha is out and I have been digging around my friends copy (>: D) I can make more custom models for the series that are more accurate to the models in the game.

So keep an ear the to ground for my updates here.


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seems we’re in the same boat mi amigo…

looking forward to this… any new inspirations since you’ve had a chance to try the alpha?

I don’t own the Stonehearth, I did play the alpha but I think I’m going to save my first impression for when the bugs don’t effect building. Building is a big part of the game that is already there and I feel like my opinion would be forced if I didn’t wait to give me opinion when the alpha is “the best it can be”


The updated thief look!

So, A bit of a description of the changes. So I felt like the thief model I made was off after a deeper look into the alpha models. So I imported the 2 models together so that I could get a better look and I found that my thief model was 3 voxels longer (from front to back). So, I made this one which is more accurate to the basic worker model. I changed the length of the back cover, removed the belt across the chest removed the gloves on their hands and most notably the hood.

I decided instead of having some models have things others wouldn’t I took a page from the Stonehearth book…again… I want to emulate the idea of the professions system in the game. So if I make a mod for SH It would work like the solider progression, they would get upgraded weapons and their armors would be craftable (like the hood).

I plan to update alot today, as I finish models. So keep an eye out!



I’m debating on keeping the regular SH head or replacing it with the black face and glowy eye effect I had.

The Northern guild starter suit. Same as the first one just has different colors and stats…It’s the Ken of thieves.

So I had some ideas for a mod. I am thinking about making the Thieves into a “Kingdom” like the “Three kingdoms” stretch goal, or just making it another profession. Let me know what you think, hit the Like for the totally awesome street fighter reference!