I have been summoned. I shall derail this thread.
Call me a party pooper or whatever, but there’s just no demand for any kind of modding repository right now (and I probably should know). There have been several attempts (five of which I know of) which all failed and/or disappeared into the unknown depths of the blagoweb.
If we’re being bloody honest, how many mods are currently active (as in, working with the latest stable/latest latest)? I would say from the top of my head, it’s less than ten, probably less than five. I do not include mods that have no real content or intention to release at the moment because they’re waiting for something, but only things that could be downloaded right now. Immediately.
I have done my research about this kind of thing and talked to the owner of a similar repository for another game which was released ten years ago, with a fan base that would likely be similar sized to Stonehearth’s. You really have to put your mind to it and, most importantly, have to release your own content to make the platform attractive. People won’t use it, or your fancy mod loader (I’m somehow assuming this would be included, but it doesn’t change a lot) if they can simply download it on dropbox/somewhere else.
There’s also the good old issue of community splitting. The community here hasn’t reached its critical size yet, so if you start a community somewhere else (which “review” and “comment” kind of implies) that would force people to be either here or there - in which case, the official forums (i.e. this Discourse) will always win.
My personal approach with ShPad was to have something that was serving that function, and only that function. That means, comments/reviews would be outsourced to this Discourse, and ShPad itself serves only as repository/“overview”/download place. I mean, that’s what the internet slowly is all about, right? Microservices, you stick together enough of them to make your website/application work.
So, I guess, good luck, but pessimistic me does not really see much advantage of such a repository yet, nor would I use it (either as user or author) because I can’t think of anyone it would offer me that GitHub/Discourse doesn’t.